Directorate of Aquaculture Research
The Directorate of Aquaculture Research is one of the Directorates within KMFRI established pursuant to Section 14 of the Science and Technology Act Cap 250 and the repeals and transitional provisions in Section 47 of the Science Technology and Innovation Act (STI) No. 28 of 2013. The Directorate carries out research in freshwater and marine aquaculture within six broad thematic areas: (1) culture systems, technologies and innovations including biofloc technology wooden raised lined ponds, earthen ponds, high density cages, aquaponics, recirculating aquaculture systems, in-pond raceways, Integrated Multi Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) systems; (2) fish seed production through novel breeding and genetic techniques for cultured species and aquatic plants e.g. seaweeds; (3) fish feed formulation, processing and nutrition management; (4) fish health and disease management and biosecurity; (5) innovative fish marketing, post-harvest preservation and value addition technologies; and (6) cross-cutting socio-economic issues in aquaculture, including aquaculture economics, environmental performance and impact assessment, gender mainstreaming and social inclusion.
Freshwater Aquaculture Department
Arising from the mandate of the Directorate of Aquaculture Research, the Department of Freshwater Aquaculture is responsible for undertaking research in culture of aquatic organisms in cold and warm freshwater environments in order to generate knowledge for the sustainable management and development of the Blue Economy resources for enhanced socio-economic benefits to Kenyans.
Arising from the mandate of the Directorate of Aquaculture Research, the Mariculture Research Department is responsible for undertaking research in culturing aquatic organisms in the marine environment in order to generate knowledge for the sustainable management and development of the Blue Economy resources for enhanced socio-economic benefits to Kenyans.
The department arises from the mandate of the Directorate of Aquaculture to undertake to undertake research in freshwater and mariculture in order to provide scientific data and information for sustainable development of Aquaculture.
The Directorate of Aquaculture is responsible for the following key functions:-
- Advising management on all policies and strategies related to aquaculture research and development.
- Developing, implementing and reviewing national research policies in aquaculture and the Blue Economy in consultation with stakeholders.
- Advising the Board on research bodies, institutions of higher learning, county governments, public and private agencies within and outside Kenya on issues of collaboration and partnership in aquaculture research.
- Advising the Board on linkages with other research bodies and institutions of higher learning, county governments, public and private agencies within and outside Kenya to enhance aquaculture technologies and innovations transfer.
- Developing national aquaculture development strategies, guidelines and regulations.
- Developing aquaculture research planning and implementation guidelines and regulations.
- Carrying out capacity building for sustainable aquaculture development.
- Disseminating research findings and promoting outreach of aquaculture programmes through various channels to increase KMFRI’s visibility.
- Developing policies guiding approval of aquaculture scientific manuscripts for publication.
- Mobilizing resources for aquaculture research and development.
- Developing local, national, regional and international partnerships to support aquaculture development.
- Developing user friendly manuals and guidelines to support aquaculture development in Kenya.
- Developing scientific publications to show the potential for aquaculture to attract investments in aquaculture.
- Generating and disseminating technologies, innovations and management practices (TIMPS) for aquaculture value chain.
- Developing fish health diagnostic kits, vaccines and quarantine facilities for control of emerging fish diseases.
- Plan and carry out research, implementation of research findings and monitoring in Freshwater aquaculture and Mariculture.

Research centres
The aquaculture research centers are established to facilitate and provide conducive environment for conducting research in freshwater and marine water aquaculture. The Aquaculture Directorate has four (4) Research Centers namely: Shimoni, Sagana, Kegati and Sang’oro. There are also 2 sub-centres namely Taita-Taveta County and Mutonga in Tharaka Nithi County. The Nairobi Liaison Office is anchored under the Sagana Center.
Shimoni Center, the home of the National Mariculture Research and Training (NAMARET) Centre, specializes in mariculture research and capacity building. The centre hosts the first marine hatchery in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) region thus providing a unique opportunity in ensuring KMFRI becomes a centre of excellence in mariculture.
Sagana, Kegati and Sang’oro Centres and the two sub-centres specialize in freshwater aquaculture research. The centres undertake aquaculture related trainings in liaison with the Directorate for socioeconomics.