Edward Wiyaki
I am a Research officer within KMFRI’s Socio-economics Directorate. Our research basically looks at ways the local coastal communities exploit coastal and marine resources for their subsistence and commercial welfare, while also examining the effects of this exploitation on the state of the resources.
KMFRI Mombasa Research Centre
Socio Economics
Socio-economic issues relating to the exploitation of coastal and marine resources by local communities
My primary research interests are in the Social dimensions of climate change, Blue growth pathways for Kenya’s coastal communities and Artisanal marine fisheries market systems.
B.A (Economics); MA (Social Policy for Development)
PUBLICATIONS:- Waiyaki, E. (2022). “Short-term gain begets long-term loss”: Community benefits and impacts associated with Lakes Chala and Jipe, Taita Taveta County, Kenya. Kenya Aquatica, Journal. Vol. 7, Issue 01, pp 52 – 61.
- Kimanga, F., Ochiewo, J., Waiyaki, E., Munyi, F., Mwaura, J. and Karani, N. (2021). The Socioeconomic impacts of Coral reef rehabilitation: Community perspectives from Wasini in the south coast of Kenya. Kenya Aquatica Journ. Vol. 6, No.01, pp 17 – 31.
- Owiti, H., Ochiewo, J. O., Swaneerain, S., Munyi, F., Waiyaki, E., Njiru, J. N. ... & Olela, P. (2018). Economic and Financial Impact Assessment (EFIA) for Marine Fisheries, Kenya. Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (Vol. 1). Technical Report KMF/GOK/RS/2018.