Support Services Directorates

Office of the Corporation Secretary / Director of Legal Services Directorate
The office of the Corporation Secretary / Director of Legal Services is established pursuant to the Code of Governance for State Corporations (Mwongozo) issued under Executive Order No 7/2015 Section 1.20. The office is responsible for professionalizing the services of the Board of Management in accordance with the law by giving guidance to the Board on their duties and responsibilities and on matters of governance, coordinating timely preparation and circulation of Board and Committee papers and ensuring that Board Members are aware of all relevant laws affecting the organization. The office will also be responsible for all the institute legal matters.

Supply Chain Management Department
The Department of Supply Chain Management is to offer advice to the Director General on matters pertaining to Procurement by developing and guiding the implementation of policies for supply chain management function in line with the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Act No. 33 of 2015 and the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Regulation of 2020 to support marine and fisheries research activities by proper acquisition of required goods and services at the Institute.

Directorate of Internal Audit
The Directorate of Internal Audit is established pursuant to section 73 (1) of the Public Finance Management Act 2012 (PFM Act), and the Public Finance Management (National Government) Regulations 2015.
The directorate provides the institute with independent, objective assurance and consulting services to add value to and improve operations. The directorate also helps the institute to accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of its risk management, control and governance processes.

- Strategy and Planning
- Performance Management, Monitoring and Evaluation
- Information Communication Technology (ICT)
- Partnership Development and Resource Mobilization
- Quality Assurance and Compliance
- Business Development

Directorate of Corporate Services
The Directorate of Corporate Services is established pursuant to the State Corporation Act Cap 446, PFM Act 2012, HR Management Professional Act No 52 of 2012. The directorate is responsible for formulating and coordinating the implementation of sound Financial, Human Resource & Administration, Engineering & Maintenance, Information Science and Corporate Communication policies and strategies for effective management of the Institute resources and enhancement of the Institute image.
The Directorate of Corporate Services comprise of the following departments:
- Finance and Accounting
- Human Resource Management and Administration.
- Information Science
- Engineering and Maintenance
- Corporate Communication