Maurice Obiero

Have a wide experience in analytical laboratory work, with a Higher Diploma in Analytical Chemistry and a diploma in applied Chemistry from Mombasa Polytechnic (Kenya). Attended a short course on fish handling and processing at the University of the Philippines, Visayas. He possesses a certificate in computer systems and applications (DNS). Undertook a course in Training of trainers Certificate on fish Quality, processing and marketing for artisanal fisheries United Nations University-Fisheries training programme (UNU-FTP). In addition, he has undertaken research in several projects including Kenya Coastal Development Project, Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association WIOMSA in Mombasa. Others include Agricultural Sector Development Support Program (ASDSP) where he engaged with stakeholders in several workshops and group meetings, including conferences. Attended African innovation week fish post-harvest technology in Congo Brazzaville sponsored by Ministry of Agriculture. Has worked with beach Management units (BMUs) in construction of Smoking Ovens (Chorkor), Solar Dryers and in fish Value addition. Has trained in a number of fisher communities in fish handling, hygiene and sanitation along the fish value chain.
Currently, heading the fish post-harvest programme in KMFRI Lake Turkana station where he has supported the Lake Turkana fishermen in the construction of Smoking Oven through the sponsorship of Anglican Development Service (ADS). Has also worked under GIZ sponsored project namely Adaptation to Climate Change in North Eastern Kenya. Has carried out consultancy work with Mercy Corps (NGO) on Fish Cold Chain installation in the Lake Zone ward Turkana County towards fish post-harvest loss reduction. Has 14 publication with others mainly on post-harvest technology and hydrology of inland waters system.
KMFRI Turkana Research Station
Freshwater Systems Research
Working with fisher community in the fish post-harvest reduction through innovative Technology approach and capacity building
- Bachelor of Science Fisheries_ Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences University of Eldoret
- MSC - Fisheries
Maurice O. Obiero1Rose Kigathi 2, Nicholas Odongo3 2020: Effect of initial handling by artisanal fishermen on the quality of penaeid shrimps in Kurawa on the north coast of Kenya. WIO Journal of Marine Science 19 (1) 2020 55-62
Maurice O. Obiero, Cyprian O. Odoli, Peter O. Odote, Raymond K. Ruwa, Maurice O. Omega 2019. Shelf life assessment of hot smoked African catfish stored under different storage conditions from Lake Kenyatta, North Coast, Kenya. WIOMSA journal.
Maurice O. Obiero, Peter Oduor-Odote, Raymond Ruwa and M. Omega (2018) Biochemical and sensory characteristics of smoked African Catfish (Clarias Gariepinus) under different storage conditions in coastal Region of Kenya. Kenya aquatic Journal Vol 4 issue 01
Cyprian O. Odoli & Horace Owiti & Nyakeya Kobingi & Maurice Obiero& Zachary Ogari & James Mugo Chrisphine Nyamweya & Christopher M. Aura (2019) Post-harvest interventions in small-scale fisheries: a boon or bane to food and nutritional security in Kenya? International Society for Plant Pathology and Springer Nature
Odote, P. M. O., G. M. Kituu, Obiero, R. Ruwa, and N. H.Honell (2015) Performance evaluation of hybrid thin layer solar tunnel-windmill dryer in the drying of brined and non-brined Tafi (Siganussutor) Fish. Agricultural Engineering Intitute: CIGR Journal. Vol. 17, No. 1
Oduor-Odote P.M., Shitanda D. Obiero M and Kituu M.G.M (2010). Drying Characteristics and some quality attributes of Rastrineobola argentea (Omena) and Stolephorus delicatulus (Kimarawali) African Journal of Food Ag riculture and Nutrition Development Vol. 10 No. 8.
Oduor-Odote P.M., Obiero M.and Odoli C. (2010). Organoleptic effect of using different plant materials on smoking of marine and freshwater catfish African .Journal of Food, Agriculture and Nutrition Development Vol. 10 No. 6.
Oduor-Odote and Obiero M.O. (2009). Lipid Oxidation and Organoleptic Response to Some Smoked Marine Fish in Kenya. Re-submitted to the African Journal of Food, Agriculture and Nutrition Development. African Journal of Food Nutrition and Development Volume 9 No. 3
Oduor-Odote, P.M. , Ohowa, B.O. and Obiero, M. (2008). Performance of Improved and Traditional Fish Smoking Kilns Introduced in the Tana Delta Area of Kenya. Samaki News. Vol.V No1. April 2008 p 23-28.
Kitheka, J. U., Obiero, M . Nthenge, P. (2005). River discharge, sediment transport and exchange in the Tana estuary, Kenya. Estuarine and coastal shelf Science 63: 455-468
Kitheka, J.U., Ochiewo, J., Nthenge, P. and Obiero, M. (2004). Land use changes and climatic variability in the Tana and Athi-Sabaki River Basins and associated impacts on coastal resources in Kenya. Paper for START-LOICZ AfriCAT Workshop, February 18?21, 2004.
Kitheka, J.U., Nthenge, P. and Obiero, M. (2003a). Sabaki Estuary sediment transport dynamics and resultant sediment fluxes in the monsoon-driven Malindi Bay. LOICZ-START AfriCAT Report, Nov. 2003, 58 p.
Kitheka, J.U., Nthenge, P. and Obiero, M. (2003b). Dynamics of sediment transport in the Tana Estuary. LOICZ-START AfriCAT Report, Nov. 2003, 50 p.
Kitheka, J.U., Ochiewo, J., Nthenge, P. and Obiero, M. (2003c). Coastal impacts of damming and water abstraction in the Tana and Athi-Sabaki river basins. LOICZ-START AfriCAT Project Report, Dec. 2003, 70 p.