Dr. Nina Wambiji

She has recently finalized a MASMA Project-BY-Catch Assessment and Mitigation in Western Indian Ocean Fisheries (BYCAM) Project-2015-2017 funded by WIOMSA. The project looked into bycatch assessment and mitigation of marine megafauna (whales, dolphins, shark, rays and sea turtles in the WIO region funded by WIOMSA (https://bycamwio.weebly.com/).
In 2020, she won a Pew Marine fellowship and is currently working on Strengthening data collection and capacity building for effective conservation and management of billfish in the Western Indian Ocean region in collaboration with a MASMA Project- Billfish Interactions, Livelihoods, and Linkages for Fisheries sustainability in the Western Indian Ocean (BILLFISH-WIO). This ensures that the project is run in all 10 Western Indian Ocean countries (https://billfishwio.com/).
With her work in fisheries, she aims to improve the lives of coastal people, especially women. Her research entails understanding the fish catches, the fishing methodologies and their influences on the fisheries, persons involved and the habitat therein so as to estimate the stocks. She is also very dedicated on marine data management. With collaborations with other institutions she is concerned with who works on what, where and how is their data and information archived all for the management of our biodiversity and future generations.
Research networks: ResearchGate
PUBLICATIONS:Research networks: ResearchGate
KMFRI Mombasa Research Centre
Fisheries biology and ecology, stock assessment, Fish genetics, Marine mega fauna research, Marine biodiversity data management, conservation
- University of the Ryukyus-Okinawa, Japan Ph.D. (Fish Physiology)
- Barkatullah University, Bhopal, India MSc. (Limnology)
- Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra, India- BSc. (Biology)
Nelms, S.E., Alfaro-Shigueto, J., Arnould, J.P., Avila, I.C., Nash, S.B., Campbell, E., Carter, M.I., Collins, T., Currey, R.J., Domit, C. and Franco-Trecu, V., 2021. Marine mammal conservation: over the horizon. Endangered Species Research, 44, pp.291-325.
Kadagi, N.I., Wambiji, N., Belhabib, D. and Ahrens, R.N., 2021. Ocean safaris or food: characterizing competitive interactions between recreational and artisanal billfish fisheries on the coast of Kenya. Ocean & Coastal Management, 201, p.105432.
Kadagi, N.I., Wambiji, N., Fennessy, S.T., Allen, M.S. and Ahrens, R.N., 2021. Challenges and opportunities for sustainable development and management of marine recreational and sport fisheries in the Western Indian Ocean. Marine Policy, 124, p.104351.
Andrew James Temple, Selina M Stead, Narriman Jiddawi, Nina Wambiji, Nicholas K Dulvy, Ellen Barrowclift, Per Berggren, 2020. Life-history, exploitation and extinction risk of the data-poor Baraka’s whipray (Maculabatis ambigua) in small-scale tropical fisheriesJournal of Fish Biology, 1–12. DOI:10.1111/jfb.14425
Kadagi, N.I., Wambiji N., and Swisher M.E., 2020. Potential for conflicts in recreational and artisanal billfish fisheries on the coast of Kenya. Marine Policy, Volume 117, 103960. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2020.103960
P Thoya, S Pérez-Jorge, GM Okemwa, H Mwamlavya, A Tuda, N Wambiji & JM Maina (2020) Spatial patterns and environmental risks of ringnet fishing along the Kenyan coast, African Journal of Marine Science, 42:1, 23-33, DOI: 10.2989/1814232X.2019.1705392 To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.2989/1814232X.2019.1705392
Temple, A.J., Wambiji, N., Poonian, C.N.S., Jiddawi, N., Stead, S. M., Kiszka, J.J., Berggren, P. (2019). Marine megafauna catch in southwestern Indian Ocean small-scale fisheries from landings data. Biological Conservation 230 113–121
Temple, A.J., Kiszka, J.J., Stead, S. M., Wambiji, N., Brito, A., Poonian, C.N.S., Amir, O.A., Jiddawi, N., Fennessy, S.T., Pe´rez-Jorge, S., Berggren, P. (2017). Marine megafauna interactions with small-scale fisheries in the southwestern Indian Ocean: a review of status and challenges for research and management. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. DOI: 10.1007/s11160-017-9494-x
Aura, C.M., Musa, S., Osore, M.K., Kimani, E., Alati, V.M., Wambiji, N., Maina, G.W., Charo-Karisa, H. (2017). Quantification of Climate Change Implications using oyster suitability sites occurrence Model along the Kenya Coast. Journal of Marine Systems 165: 27–35
Daphnis De Pooter, Ward Appeltans, Nicolas Bailly, Sky Bristol, Klaas Deneudt, Menashè Eliezer, Ei Fujioka, Alessandra Giorgetti, Philip Goldstein , Mirtha Lewis, Marina Lipizer, Kevin Mackay ,Maria Marin, Gwenaëlle Moncoiffé, Stamatina Nikolopoulou, Pieter Provoost, Shannon Rauch, Andres Roubicek, Carlos Torres, Anton van de Putte , Leen Vandepitte, Bart Vanhoorne, MatteoVinci, Nina Wambiji, David Watts, Eduardo Klein Salas, Francisco Hernandez (2017). "Toward a new data standard for combined marine biological and environmental datasets - expanding OBIS beyond species occurrences"-Biodiversity Data Journal 5: e10989, https://doi.org/10.3897/BDJ.5.e10989
Ngisiang'e, N., Rimiru, R., Okeyo, G., and Wambiji, N. (2016). Multi-Agent Systems and Distributed Constraint Satisfaction for Decision Support in Marine Ecosystem Management. Journal of Computer Science & Systems Biology 9(5). DOI: 10.4172/jcsb.1000233
Okello, C., Tomasello, B., Greggio, N., Wambiji, N., and Antonellini, M., (2015). Impact of Population Growth and Climate Change on the Freshwater Resources of Lamu Island, Kenya. Water, 7, 1264-1290; doi: 10.3390/w7031264
Okello, C., Antonellini, M., Greggio, N., Wambiji, N., (2014). Freshwater resource characterization and vulnerability to climate change of the Shela aquifer in Lamu, Kenya. Environmental Earth Sciences