David Mirera
A Senior Research Scientists working for Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI) and currently the Assistant Director in charge of Mariculture Research and Development. Dr. Mirera has significant experience in Coastal aquaculture research and development in Kenya and the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) Region. I Coordinate the Coastal Aquaculture Round Table Platform (CART) secretariat. Participated in the the taskforce that developed the 1st aquaculture policy for Kenya and I’m the brainchild of community mariculture development in Kenya through milkfish and mud crab farming. Has been engaged in several mariculture innovations, research and development interventions including providing an expert assessment of the suitability of mud crab farming in Seychelles, Potential of mariculture development in Kenya and Evaluation of the level of implementation of mariculture and fisheries interventions and collaboration between the United Republic of Tanzania and FAO.
Have been engaged in development of innovations in mariculture that include development of drive-in cages for mud crab cages, fabrication of innovated plastic cages for mud crab fattening, design and development of simple marine earthen ponds that are regulated naturally by tides, introduction of freshwater Nile tilapia into marine waters and discovery of the giant freshwater prawn (Macrobranchium rosernbergii) in Kenya. He is a mentor and supervisor of several MSc. Students from different Universities and is an external examiner to three universities in Kenya. Successfully implemented a number of research and development projects in aquaculture with different partners. Also leads aquaculture under the Earth System Governance Task Force on Ocean Governance, Kenyan representative to the African Research Network for Marine Aquaculture (AFriMAQUA) project, and undertakes review for different peer reviewed journals and projects. Has a publication record of more than 24 peer reviewed papers in different aspects of marine science (mariculture, ecology, fisheries, community development, conservations and socio-economics).
- Task force link: Earth System Ocean Governance aquaculture taskforce:
- http://www.earthsystemgovernance.net/oceans/?page_id=75
- KMFRI website link: https://www.kmfri.co.ke/index.php/component/comprofiler/userprofile/dmirera
- DIVA portal: http://lnu.diva-portal.org/smash/person.jsf?pid=authority-person%3A30287&dswid=-3808
- ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1556-096X
- Publons Link: https://publons.com/researcher/1243486/david-oersted-mirera/peer-review/
- Academia link: https://independent.academia.edu/DavidMirera/Analytics/activity/overview
PhD in Science:
Linnaeus University, Kalmar, Sweden -February 2014
MSc in Natural Resource Management:
Egerton University, Nakuru, Kenya – July 2007
BSc Fisheries and aquaculture:
Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya – December 2000
- Okemwa, M. D., Ngugi,C. and Mirera, O. D. (2022). Evaluating the performance of different organic waste substrates for black soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens) aqua-feed. EAJAF
- Nduku, G., Mirera, O. D and Nyabeta, G. (2022). Sex reversal dynamics of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and impact on growth performance. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management.
- Mirera, O. D., Kimathi, A., Ngarari, M. M., Magondu, E. W., Wainaina, M., Ototo, A. (2020). Societal and environmental impacts of seaweed farming in relation to rural development: The case of Kibuyuni village, south coast, Kenya. Ocean and coastal management. 194: 105253
- Holeh, G. M., Ochiewo, J. O., Tsuma, S. and Mirera, D. O. (2020). Impact of Aquaculture and Mariculture Information Dissemination to the Local Coastal Communities in Kenya. J. Aquaculture research and development: Vol 11. Iss 9 No. 608.
- Mirera, O. D. 2019. Small scale milkfish (Chanos chanos) farming in Kenya: An overview of the trend and dynamics of production. WIO Journal of Marine Science 18 (2 ) 2019 11-24
- Mirera, O. D. 2017. Status of mud crab fishery in Kenya: A review. WIO journal of marine science, 16(1), 35-45.
- Mirera, O. D. 2017. Intertidal mangrove boundary zones as nursery grounds for the mud crab, Scylla serrata (Forsskal-1775). African journal of marine science. African Journal of Marine Science, 39: 3, 315-325.
- Munguti J., Obiero K, Orina P, Mirera D., Kyule D., Mwaluma J., Opiyo M., Musa S., Ochiewo J. Njiru. J, Ogello E. & Hagiwara A (Eds) (2021). State of Aquaculture Report in Kenya 2021: Towards Nutrition Sensitive Fish Food Systems. Techplus Media House Nairobi 190 p (KMFRI), Mombasa. 135pp.
- Mwaluma, J., Mirera, O. D., Magondu, E., Mukami, M., Wainaina, M., Holeh, G., Nyabeta, J., Kimathi, A., Wanjiru, C. (2021). Marine and Coastal Aquaculture: Production, Status and Prospects. In Munguti et al., (Eds) (2021). State of Aquaculture Report in Kenya 2021: Towards Nutrition Sensitive Fish Food Systems. Techplus Media House Nairobi 190 p (KMFRI), Mombasa. 135pp.
- Mirera, O. D., Nyonje, B., Opiyo, M., Obiero, K., Awour, F. J., Holeh, G., Kendi, J., Okechi, J. (2021). Aquaculture Research and Training in Kenya. In Munguti et al., (Eds) (2021). State of Aquaculture Report in Kenya 2021: Towards Nutrition Sensitive Fish Food Systems. Techplus Media House Nairobi 190 p (KMFRI), Mombasa. 135pp.
- Kimani, E., Omukoto, J., Mueni, E., Mirera, D. and Fondo, E. 2018. Status of Crustacean Fisheries In Kimani, E. N., Aura, M. C., Okemwa, G. M. (eds.) (2018). The Status of Kenya Fisheries: Towards the sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources for food security and economic development. Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute
- Mwaluma, J., Mirera, O. D., Wainaina, M., Mukami, M., Wairimu, E., Wanjiru, C., Anyango, J., Ogello, E., and Nyonje, B. (2017). Coastal Aquaculture in Kenya. In Munguti, J. M., Obiero, K. O., Orina, P.S., Musa, S., Mwaluma, J., Mirera, D.O, Ochiewo, J. Kairo, J. and Njiru J. M. (Eds.), State of Aquaculture in Kenya (133 pp). Nairobi, Kenya: Laxpress Services.
- AfriMaQUA - Evaluation on growth performance of hatchery cultured juvenile, Siganus sutor, using marine algae feed and a commercial tilapia feed: 2021-2022: 2,000 EUROs
- WIOMSA-MASMA Program: Blue Growth Initiative through Farming of Silver Pompano (Trachinotus blochii) and Rabbit Fish (Siganus sutor) for Food Security and Improved Livelihood in East Africa (BLUEGRASI) (in partnership with Institute of marine science- Zanzibar): 2020-2022
- EPSRC: “Food security and Health for East Africa - Reducing human Schistosomiasis through farming of Macrobranchium rosernbergii” (in collaboration with St. Andrews University, UK)
- National Research Fund: Development and establishment of a Marine Hatchery in Shimoni, Kwale County, Kenya: 2019 – 2021
- Swedish Research Council: Investigating the driving forces and spread of antibiotic resistance: the case of marine aquaculture in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa (in partinership with Goteborg University, Sweden): 2018 – 2021
- Proposal reviewer for British Ecological Society grants
- External examiner in different universities in Kenya for thesis examination
- Wageningen University Centre for Development Innovation; fisheries group
- Member Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA)
- Sustainable Aquaculture Research networks in Sub-Saharan Africa/networking aquaculture practitioners and scientist across the world
- World Aquaculture Society
- NEMA registered EIA associate expert
- Reviewer with several international journals including: WIO journal of marine science, Ocean and coastal management, Aquaculture research, Aquaculture international.
- Reviewer with Indian Ocean Commission biodiversity project
- Earth Systems Governance (ESG), Taskforce leader – Aquaculture