Betty Nyonje
- Member Technical Committee, High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy – Executive Office of the President.
- Member of Blue Economy Secretariat – Executive Office of the President
- National Project Coordinator, FAO – Blue Growth Initiative Projects in Coastal Kenya
- Head, Mariculture Division, Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries
- Assistant Director, Mariculture Department, Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute
- Building a Strategic Framework for Aquaculture Education in Kenya. January 2017 to date, Funded by VLIR-UOS. Principle Investigator (2017 – 2020.)
- Rediscovering the road to prosperity – A Blue Economy Implementation Committee National program; overseeing mariculture aspects of the program (2016 -date)
- Blue Economy Challenge: SeaPower - Improved seaweed farming technology for livelihoods, women’s empowerment and environmental protection. A collaborative project with Institute of Mairne Science, Zanzibar (2016 -2018). Funded by the Australian Economic Diplomacy Program. (DFAT)
- Blue Growth Initiative in Kenya –Implementing an ecosystems approach to aquaculture in selected coastal areas of Kenya and in support of Food Security and Nutrition, Poverty Alleviation and Healthy Oceans. (2015 - 2017)
- Solving the bottleneck: improved practices for larval production of freshwater fish in East Africa. 2015. VLIR-UOS. Short Training Initiative (STI): Principle Investigator
- Blue Growth Initiative in Kenya –Implementing an ecosystems approach to aquaculture in selected coastal areas of Kenya and in support of Food Security and Nutrition, Poverty Alleviation and Healthy Oceans. (2015 - 2017) FAO Funded - National Coordinator
- Preparation and Implementation of The World Bank Funded Kenya Coastal Development Project (KCDP) Aquaculture sub-component activities including, up scaling seaweed farming, up scaling community based fish and shell fish production, building community capacity in good quality seed and seed production. Building the capacity of Artisanal salt farmers to produce Artemia. (2007 -2014 )
- Implementation of the Fish Farming Enterprise productivity Program (National Aquaculture Program) , initiated under the framework of the GOK funded Economic Stimulus program (2009 -2013)
- Commercializing aquaculture production through sustainable technologies and market linkages. A Kenya Agricultural Productivity and Agribusiness Project (KAPAP), funded by the World Bank (2012 - 2015)
- Piloting commercial Artemia production in the solar salt belt of Kenya through a community initiative “Improvement of the living standard of rural communities in Kenya through Artemia production in coastal saltworks”. Funded by the Belgian Inter University Council (VLIR). (2010 – 2015)
- Lead scientist; commercialization of seaweed farming in the South Coast of Kenya. The initiative targeting poor fishing communities addressing the development of the seaweed industry along the value chain. KMFRI provides an oversight role including, provision of seed for the farmers, training, implementation of an Environmental Management Plan and provision of market linkages through Private Public Partnerships (2010- date).
Research Network: ResearchGate
KMFRI Nairobi Office
Aquaculture (Mariculture)
Aquaculture Research and policy, Fish seed production and Hatchery Management; Seaweed farming, Artemia production
Research Interests
Artemia, Blue economy, Seaweed research
2006: PhD Agriculture (Aquaculture) Humboldt University, Germany
2000: MSc. Aquaculture, Ghent University, Belgium
1989: BSc. Zoology, University of Khartoum, Sudan
- Arori, M. Muthumbi, A. Mutia G. and Nyonje B. (2019). Potential of seaweeds (Hypnea cornuta and Hypnea musciformis) in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fingerling diets. Intern. Journ. Fish and Aquatic Studies Vol. 7 (2) 2019 Pg. 103 – 107.
- B M Nyonje, M A Opiyo, P S Orina, J Abwao, M Wainaina and H Charo Karisa (2018) Current status of freshwater fish hatcheries, broodstock management and fingerling production in the Kenya aquaculture sector. Livestock Research for Rural Development 30 (1)
- Mary, M.A., Orina, PS., Kyule, D., Munguti, J.M, Nyonje, B.M and Charo-Karisa, H. (2017) Growth performance and survival of three strains of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus, Burchell 1882) reared in hapas in Kenya. Bull. Anim. Hlth. Prod. Afri. Fish (2016)31-39.
- Aloo PA, Charo-Karisa, H, Munguti, J., Nyonje, B,M. (2017). A review on the potential of Aquacuture development for poverty alleviation and food security. AJFAND 2017(1): 11832 – 11847.
- Ogello, E.O., Nyonje, B.M., Van Stappen, G. (2014). Genetic differentiation of Artemia franciscana (Kellog, 1906) in Kenyan coastal saltworks. IJAR Vol 2 Issue 4. 1154 – 1164.
- Ogello EO, Mlingi FT, Nyonje BM, Charo-Karisa H and JM Munguti J. (2013) Can integrated livestock-fish culture be a solution to East Africa’s food insecurity? A review . AJFAND Vol. 13 No. 4 pg. 8059 – 8076
- Nyonje BM, Gwada PO, Ochiewo J, Mwangi SN, Okuku EO, Anyango JO, Nzioka AM and Magangi NO. (2013) Introduction of the seaweed Kappapycus alvarezi in the South Coast of Kenya : Seaweed farming progress report. 41 pg.
- Safina Musa, Christopher Mulanda Aura, George Owiti, Betty Nyonje, Paul Orina and Harrison Charo-Karisa (2012). Fish farming enterprise productivity program (FFEPP) as an impetus to Oreochromis niloticus (L.) farming in Western Kenya: Lessons to learn. African Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 7(8), pp. 1324-1330.
- Nyonje, B.M., Charo, H.K. Macharia, S., Mbugua, H.M. (2012). Aquaculture development in Kenya; Status, Potential and Challenges. Samaki News Vol. 7. No. 1. Pgs. 8 – 19.
- Nyonje, B.M. Charo, H.K, Opiyo, M. A. Wainaina M. W. (2012) Building capacity for good quality tilapia seed production in Kenya: Evaluating quality of seed produced by accreditated hatcheries for the Fish Farming Enterprise Productivity Program.
- Gwada, P.O., Mwangi, S.N., Nyonje B.M. and Ochiewo J.O. (2010) Implementing an Environmental Monitoring Plan for demonstration and commercial seaweed farms in the South Coast of Kenya: Monitoring and Mitigation of impacts of seaweed farming the south coast of Kenya.
- Betty M. Nyonje, Elisha Mrabo, Norah Magangi, Alex Kimathi and Dan Odiwuor: Seaweed Farming In Kenya: A Community Initiative For Poverty Alleviation And Employment Creation: Aquatic Resources of Kenya (Ark-II) Aquatic Research for Development, (16th -19th November, 2010) held at the Kenya Wildlife Training Institute, Naivasha Kenya
- Betty M. Nyonje and Frank Kirshbaum: Experimental studies on cyclical reproduction of tropical African freshwater catfish Paraeutropius buffei. Resources of Kenya (Ark-II) Aquatic Research for Development, (16th -19th November, 2010) held at the Kenya Wildlife Training Institute, Naivasha Kenya
- Mary A. Opiyo, Harrison Charo-Karisa, Kevin Obiero, Jonathan M. Munguti, Paul S. Orina, Erick O. Ogello, Julius Nyoro, Domitila N. Kyule, Betty Nyonje, and Bethuel O. Omollo (2017). Overview of Good Aquaculture Practices in Kenya. Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI), 34pp.
- Mary Opiyo, Harrison Charo-Karisa, Betty Nyonje, Bethuel Omollo, Paul Orina, Miriam Wainaina, Kevin Obiero and Jonathan Munguti (2017). Good Aquaculture Practices in Seed Production in Kenya. (KMFRI), Kenya Literature Bureau, Kenya 60pp.
Member of African Women in Science and Engineering (AWSE)
Member of Sustainable Aquaculture Research Networks in Sub Saharan Africa (SARNISSA)
Alumni of Ghent University,