Amb. Dr. Wenwa Akinyi Oranga.

I am a retired Senior Lecturer of Organic Chemistry, University of Nairobi as well as a former Consul General at the Kenya Consulate, Los Angeles, USA.

I have a long experience in the public sector, having worked at the Pyrethrum Board of Kenya, Nakuru, an Industry concerned with processing and marketing pyrethrum-based products, a natural insecticide. I joined the Board as Senior Chemist in charge of Research and development, before being promoted to the post of Chief Chemist, thereby becoming the first woman to head a department in the Organization. I also worked with the Commission for Higher Education; a body responsible for coordination of University education in Kenya.  I was in the Universities accreditation section, in charge of curriculum development for private Universities in Kenya.

I have vast experience in State Corporation Governance, having been a Board member of several state corporations and educational institutions. These include:

  1. Served two terms as Board Member of Kenya Medical Research institute(KEMRI). I served in several committees including chairing the Scientific Research and Innovation Committee, Human Resource Committee, Finance and Development Committee.
  2. Kenya National Archives Board.
  3. Bondo Technical Training Institute where I chaired the Development Committee and served in the Education and Audit Committees. I concluded two terms at the board. I was in the team that mentored UGUNJA TVET from inception and was in charge of monitoring the development progress as I was the chairman of The Development Committee.
  4. Maseno School Board.
  5. Patron of Atilili school, Bondo as well as Nyatindo School in Oyugis, Homabay County.
  6. Currently Commissioner with the Homabay County Revenue Board, from Feb. 2023 to date. I am  chairing the Revenue Board Human Resource committee, developed the board structure as well as  the board charter. I um currently overseeing the county health revenue stream as well as Rachuonyo South sub county.

I am well trained on expectations of the Board of State Corporations as contained in MWONGOZO by State Corporations Advisory Committee, SCAC.

I have also attended courses in Financial Management, Human Resource, Audit and Procurement policies in Public Institutions.

I have been involved in devising, organizing and carrying out interviews  for employing of staff and promotions to senior positions in the organizations.

My name is contained in the Kenya Book of Records written by Francis Wachira as the first Kenyan woman to obtain a doctorate degree in Chemistry.

 My other previous engagements include:

  • Secretary, Maendeleo Ya Wanawake, A Kenyan national Women’s empowerment body, for Rachuonyo District.
  • Board Member of several schools including, Nyatindo Mixed Secondary School, Omboga Secondary school and is patron of Atilili Primary School, and Ojuando Secondary School.
  • Treasurer of the Nyanza Professional Caucus
  • Director, Pan African Petroleum.
  • Trustee, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Foundation
  • Chairperson of the Staff Welfare, Agricultural Shows and student guidance/counseling committee.

I am a member of several professional bodies including Natural Products Research Network for Eastern and Central Africa (NAPRECA), I.U.P.A.C., Kenya Chemical Society, Technical Committee of Nyanza Education Initiative, Council of the Kenya National Archives, National Steering Committee for development of Science and Technology Parks.