Dr. Elijah Kembenya
Dr. Elijah Kembenya is an aquaculture research scientist at Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI), Sangoro Research Centre within Kisumu County. He has a training in Project development from Leipzig University, Germany and an International Course on Responsible Aquaculture Development for Food Security and Economic Progress from Wageningen University, The Netherlands. He has expertise in fish breeding, live food production and fish ecology. He has actively participated in implementing various aquaculture projects with the objective of improving aquaculture production for improved livelihoods and generation of income. The projects he has been involved in include LAVICORD, ASDP, and KCSAP. Mr Kembenya is currently the PI for a World bank funded applied research project titled “Domestication and Breeding of Indigenous Tilapiine Species for Food and Nutrition Security’’ under Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project (KCSAP). He is also the project coordinator for two other KCSAP projects implemented by KMFRI. Further, Kembenya is the lead implementer in collaboration with ASDSP Kisumu County on a project titled “Enhancing Capacity of Fish Priority Value Chain Actors for Improved Incomes and Food Security’’. He co-authored 22 publications including books and book chapters.
Research Network: Research Gate
Google Scholar link: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=DxtsDoAAAAJ&hl=en&citsig=AMD79opVCbYI1A1b9obf67nx5rsuOS0_Yg
2016 to date PhD in Fisheries student, Kisii University, Kenya
2013-2015 Masters in Limnology Science, Kisii University, Kenya
2008-2011 Bsc Fisheries and Aquatic Science, Moi University, Kenya
- Orina P., Ogello E., Kembenya E., Muthoni C., Musa S., Ombwa V., Mwainge V., Abwao J., Ondiba R., Kengere J., Karoza S (2021). The state of cage culture in Lake Victoria : A focus on sustainability, rural economic empowerment, and food security, Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, 24(1) : 56–63, 2021
- Kembenya, E. M., Marcial, H. S., Outa, N. O., Sakakura, Y. and Hagiwara, A. (2016). Captive Breeding of Threatened African Carp, Labeo victorianus, of Lake Victoria. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society. doi: 10.1111/jwas.12328
- Githukia C. M., Ogello E.O., Kembenya E. M., Achieng’ A. O., Obiero K O., Munguti J.M (2015). Comparative growth performance of male monosex and mixed sex nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) reared in earthen ponds. Croatian Journal of Fisheries, 42-53.
- Githukia C. M., Kembenya E. M., Opiyo M. A (2016). Anaesthetic Effects of Sodium Bicarbonate at Different Concentrations on African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) Juveniles, Journal of Aquaculture Engineering and Fisheries Research, 2(3): 151-158, doi: 10.3153/JAEFR16017
- Ogello, E. O., Kembenya, E. M., Obiero, K. O. & Munguti, J. M. (2016). Effects of Nicotina tobacum (Linnaeus) on the survival and behavioral response of the freshwater leeches, Hirudinaria sp., International Journal of Aquatic Sciences 7(1):1-6.
- Ogello EO, Kembenya EM, Githukia CM, Aera CN, Munguti JM & Nyamweya CS (2017). Substitution of fish meal with sunflower seed meal in diets for Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) reared in earthen ponds, Journal of Applied Aquaculture, DOI: 10.1080/10454438.2016.1275074
- Omondi, R., Kembenya, E., Nyamweya, C., Ouma, H., Machua, S.K., & Ogari, Z. (2014). Recent limnological changes and their implication on fisheries in Lake Baringo, Kenya. Journal of Ecology and The Natural Environment, 6(5): 154-163.
- Ogello, EO., Kembenya, EM., Githukia, CM., Nyonje, BM., Munguti, JM. (2014). The occurrence of the brine shrimp, Artemia franciscana (Kellog 1906) in Kenya and the potential economic impacts among Kenyan coastal communities. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 1(5): 151-156
- Kembenya, EM., Ogello EO and Munguti JM. (2014). The Length-Weight Relationship and Condition Factor of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) Broodstock at Kegati Aquaculture Research Station, Kisii, Kenya. International Journal of Advanced Research, 2(5): 777-782
- Kembenya, EM., Ogello, EO., Githukia, CM, Omondi, R, Munguti JM. (2014). Seasonal Changes of Length -Weight Relationship and Condition Factor of Five Fish Species in Lake Baringo, Kenya. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research, 14(2): 130-140
- Aera, CN., Kembenya, EM., Ogello, EO., Githukia CM., YasindiA., Outa N., Munguti JM. (2014). Length-weight relationship and condition factor of Cyprinus carpio (common carp) in Lake Naivasha, Kenya. International Journal of Current Research, 6 (09): 8286-8292
- Akunga, G.N and Kembenya, E.M. (2014). Effects of Selected Water Quality Parameters on Abundance and Diversity of Phytoplankton in River Chepkoilel, Eldoret, Kenya. International Journal of Advanced Research, 2 (3), 863-871.
- Kembenya, E.M., Matolla G. K, Ochieng, V. O., and Ngaira M. V. (2012). Diplostomum Parasites Affecting Oreochromis niloticus in Chepkoilel Fish farm and Two Dams in Eldoret-Kenya. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 3(7): 2229-5518
- Musa S., Githukia C., Okechi J., Kembenya E., Ombwa V., Hinzano S. Abwao J. (2021). Inland Aquaculture Trends and Prospects. In: Munguti et al., (Eds). State of Aquaculture in Kenya: Towards Nutrition-Sensitive Fish Food Production Systems; Chapter 2: pp-21-38.
- Orina P., Kembenya E., Opiyo M., Wainaina M., Ondiba R., Abwao J., Nyabeta J., Mwaluma J. (2021). Inland Aquaculture Trends and Prospects. In: Munguti et al., (Eds). State of Aquaculture in Kenya: Towards Nutrition-Sensitive Fish Food Production Systems; Chapter 5: pp-89-102
- Munguti, J.M., Obiero K., Kyule D, Orina, P S, Githukia C.M, Opiyo M.A, Fonda J.A, Kembenya E., Ondiba R., Abwao J, Musa S, and Njiru J. (2020) Training of Trainers (ToT) manual for aquaculture value chain, Master Trainers’ Manual, Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project (KCSAP) Secretariat, KALRO Headquarters, Nairobi, Kenya
- Kembenya EM., Ogello EO., Githukia CM., Ombwa V., Okechi JK. (2018). Effects of commercial and cottage feeds on tilapia growth performance and water quality. In: State of cage culture in Kenya. Laxpress Services, Nairobi, Kenya. 62p.
- Githukia C.M., Mwainge V.M., Kembenya E.M., Orina P.S (2018). Effects of commercial and cottage feeds on tilapia growth performance and water quality. In: State of cage culture in Kenya. Laxpress Services, Nairobi, Kenya. 62p.
- Ogello E.O., Githukia C.M., Kembenya E.M., Ombwa V., Musa S (2018). Effects of commercial and cottage feeds on tilapia growth performance and water quality. In: State of cage culture in Kenya. Laxpress Services, Nairobi, Kenya. 62p.
- Orina PS., Ogello E., Kembenya E., Githukia C., Musa S., Ombwa V., Mwainge VM., Abwao J., Ondiba RN and Okechi JK (2018). State of cage culture in Lake Victoria, Kenya. Laxpress Services, Nairobi, Kenya. 62p.
- Ogello EO., Orina PS., Mziri P., Abwao J., Kembenya EM., Nyonje BM. (2017). Status of Freshwater Aquaculture in Kenya. In: State of Aquaculture in Kenya. Laxpress Services, Nairobi, Kenya. 133p
- Musa S., Opiyo M.A, Obiero K.O, Ogello E.O., Githukia C.M., Ombwa V., Kembenya E., Boera P., and Okechi J. (2017). Status of Freshwater Aquaculture in Kenya. In: State of Aquaculture in Kenya. Laxpress Services, Nairobi, Kenya. 133p.
- Eastern Africa Water Association (EAWA)
- Sustainable Aquaculture Research Networks in Sub Saharan Africa (SARNISSA)