Job Mwamburi

Key research interests:
Research interests includes, trace metals & organic contaminants pollution in aquatic ecosystems, nutrients (eutrophication) in inland water bodies, biomonitors, wastewater technologies and solid waste management, ecotoxicology and bioassessments, toxicants risk assessments; sedimentary environments, sedimentation processes and biogeochemical cycles. Use of GIS techniques in natural resources planning and management, and environmental impact assessments (EIA) in sustainable environmental management.
Keywords: Watersheds; Biogeochemical; Sedimentary environment; Limnology; Monitoring and assessments of pollution and water quality; Organic matter; Indicators; Trace elements; Nutrients; Climate change; GIS mapping; Environmental impacts; Ecosystem restoration and remediation.
Recent Research Projects
- Mapping and monitoring major point sources of pollution and assess their effect on fish ecology in Lake Victoria
- Monitoring pollution in 4 biodiversity hotspots in Lake Victoria (Nyando, Awach, Nzoia, Yala, Kuja, and Sondu – Miriu river mouths) for informed management decisions.
- Monitoring and mapping of water hyacinth and other floating macrophytes in Lake Victoria for improved water hyacinth surveillance to inform resource users.
- Consultancy Water Quality Sampling and Analyses for Dunga WTPs’ Design in Kisumu, Kenya. (Consultancy on Water Resources and Wastewater Masterplan in Kisumu County under LVWATSAN Program)
- Scientific Research expedition in Lakes Chala and Jipe Taita Taveta County. Monitoring and mapping of water hyacinth and other floating macrophytes in Lake Victoria for improved water hyacinth surveillance to inform resource users.
- Aquaculture, safe and nutritious source of protein and healthy Lake Victoria communities free from hunger and poverty (GCRF Interdisciplinary Research Project) Collaborative project with University of Eldoret (UOE); KMFRI, University of Nottingham-UK, and British Geological Survey (BGS)-UK.
- Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP)-Phase - II (2010-2013):-Project activity: monitoring of pollution in fishing grounds: Trace metals.
- Lake Baringo Research Project (LABRE) (2007-2009) on Assessment of the fisheries, water quality and socio-economics of Lake Baringo: Study: Trace metals in Lake Baringo Ecosystem.
- Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP Phase I) (2000-2004) Project: Fisheries research: Fish biology and biodiversity conservation component.
- Study: Investigation on the main environmental factors influencing biodiversity in Lake Victoria and satellite lakes: Trace metals
- Lake Naivasha Research Project (LNRP) (2001-2002; 2007) Project: Assessment of the current status of fisheries and water quality of Lake Naivasha: Study: Assessment of the chemical pollutants in sediments water, fish and aquatic macrophytes in lake Naivasha: Inorganic pollutants.
- Kenya Belgium Joint Project in Freshwater Ecology (1994 – 1996): Project: Study of some inorganic contaminants in the water, sediments, fish and benthic organisms of Lake Victoria (Kenya) and major rivers.
- Links:;;
KMFRI Kisumu
Freshwater Systems Research
Aquatic geochemistry; Environmental Pollutants & Water quality assessment; Sedimentology; GIS mapping
Research interests includes, trace metals & organic contaminants pollution in aquatic ecosystems, nutrients (eutrophication) in inland water bodies, biomonitors, wastewater technologies and solid waste management, ecotoxicology and bioassessments, toxicants risk assessments; sedimentary environments, sedimentation processes and biogeochemical cycles. Use of GIS techniques in natural resources planning and management, and environmental impact assessments (EIA) in sustainable environmental management.,
- 1999 MSc Environmental Sanitation, Ghent University, Belgium
- 1988 BSc. Geology/Chemistry, University of Nairobi, Kenya
Mwamburi J., Yongo, E., Omwega R., Owiti, H. (2021). Fish cage culture in Lake Victoria (Kenya): Fisher community perspectives on the impacts and benefits for better sustainable management. Int. J. Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 9: 23 – 29; DOI:10.22271/fish.2021.v9.i4a.251
Aura, C.M., Nyamweya, C. S., Njiru, J. M., Omondi, R., Manyala, J., Musa, S., Owiti, H., Guya, F., Ongore, C., Ogari, Z., Mwamburi, J. (2021). Using the multimetric index of biotic integrity methodological approach to determine the major river catchment that most pollutes a lake. Aquatic Ecosystems Health & Management Society (AEHMS), 24(1): 12 – 20.
Mutie, A., Waithaka, E., Morara, G. N., Boera, P., Mwamburi, J., Keyombe, J., Obegi, B., (2020) Population characteristics of Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) in light of varying water quality conditions of adjoined Lakes Naivasha and Oloidien in Kenya. Pan African Journal, 2020 1(1): 15 pages.
Nyaundi, J., Getabu, A., Mwamburi, J., Onchieku, J., Kinaro, Z., Ogendi, G., Babu, J., Gichurur, N. (2020) Organochlorine contaminants in Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus 1758) in densely populated areas of South-Western Kenya. Journal of Science and Engineering B9, 153 – 161. DOI: 10.17265/2162-5263/2020.04.004
Mwamburi, J., Basweti, G., Owili, M., Babu, J., Wawiye, P. (2020) Spatio-temporal trends of nutrients and physic-chemical parameters on lake ecosystem and fisheries prior to onset of cage farming, re-opening of the Mbita passage in the Nyanza gulf of Lake Victoria. Lakes & Reservoirs: Science, Policy and management for sustainable for sustainable use, 25(3): 292 – 313 (First Online: 26 July 2020):
6. Aura, C. M., Odoli, C., Nyamweya, C. S., Njiru, J. M., Musa, S., Miruka, J. B., Owili, M. O., Omondi, R., Raburu, P., Manyala, J., Mwamburi, J., Ogari, Z., Mbaru, E. K., (2020). Application of phytoplankton community structure for tracking the major river catchment influencing the pollution status of a lake basin. Lakes & Reservoirs: Science, Policy and Management for the sustainable use, 25 (1): 3 – 17, (First online 18 February 2020);
Ouma,H., Owiti, D. O., Ang’ienda, P. O., Mwamburi, J., Ogello, E. O. (2019) Effect of low crude protein diets on the growth performance, survival and feed conversion ratio of the African Catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) larvae, Global Research Journal of Fishery Science and Aquaculture, Vol. 3(3): pp 035-044.
Mwamburi J.*, Yongo, E., Aura, M.C., Babu, M.J., Basweti, M.G., Gichuru, N.N., Guya, F., Nyaboke, H., Nyamweya, C., Nyaundi, K.J, Odoli, C.O., C. O., Ogwai, A.C., Okechi, J., Ombwa, V., Omwega, R., Ongore, C., Owili, M., Owiti., H., Wawiye, I. P. (2018) Balancing community needs and resource protection: The case of Lake Kanyaboli, Kenya. Journal of Biodiversity and Endangered Species 6: 215. doi:10.4172/2332-2543.1000215
Mwamburi J. (2018) Spatial Distribution and Potential Risks of Mercury in Surficial Sediments of the Kenyan Waters of Lake Victoria The African Journal of Tropical Hydrobiology and Fisheries.16 (2): 78 – 86.
Mwamburi J. (2018) Lake sedimentary environments and roles of accumulating organic matter in biogeochemical cycling processes and contaminants loading: Are invasions of water hyacinth in Lake Victoria from 1989 a concern? Chapter In: “Persistent Organic Pollutants (InTech Open Book) Open access online book chapter. Submitted January 24th 2018. Reviewed June 8th 2018; Published November 5th 2018 DOI:10.5772/intechopen.79395.
Mwamburi J. (2016) Spatial variation in sedimentary organic matter in surficial lake sediments of the Nyanza gulf (Lake Victoria, Kenya) after invasion of water hyacinth, Lakes & Reservoirs: Research & Management, 21(2): 94 – 113.
Mwamburi J. (2016) Chromium distribution and spatial variations in the finer sediment grain size fraction and unfractioned surficial sediments on Nyanza Gulf, of Lake Victoria (East Africa), Journal of Waste Management; Volume 2016, Article ID 7528263, 15 pages;
Mwamburi J. (2015) Comparative evaluation of the concentrations of lead, cadmium and zinc in surficial sediments from two shallow tectonic freshwater lake basins, Kenya. African Journal of Science and Technology (AJEST), 9(6):531-544.
Ouma, H. and Mwamburi, J. (2014) Spatial variations in nutrients and other physicochemical variables in the topographically closed Lake Baringo freshwater basin (Kenya). Lakes & Reservoirs: Research & Manage
Mwamburi J. (2013) Comparative spatial metal concentration and partitioning in bottom sediments in two tropical freshwater basins. Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management, 18, 329-355.
Mwamburi J., (2003). Variations in trace elements in bottom sediments of major rivers in Lake Victoria’s basin, Kenya. Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management. 8:5 – 13
Mwamburi J., (2003) Metal sources and distribution in rivers within the Lake Victoria (Kenya) catchment area. In: Lake Victoria Fisheries:- Status biodiversity and Management (eds.) M.van der Knaap and M. Munawar. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management Society. The Lake Victoria Fisheries Organisation (LVFO)
Mwamburi J. (1999). Neutralisation of acidity by various soils of Flanders: A kinetics study. Thesis.
Mwamburi J. and Fredrick N. Oloo. (1996/1997). The distribution and concentration levels of trace metals in water and sediments of Lake Victoria, Kenya. J. Trop. Hydrol. Fish (1996/1997). Vol. 37, No. 1 & 2, 37 – 48
Kirugara D, Nancy N, Masai D, Mwamburi J. and Othina A (1996). Identification of pollution sources in the Kenyan part of the Lake Victoria catchment area. Kenya Belgium Joint Project in Freshwater Ecology. 78p.