Venny Mziri

KMFRI Kisumu Center
Freshwater Systems Research
Fish health;( Fish Diseases and Biosecurity).
Fish diseases, fish parasites & Biosecurity in aquaculture systems.,
- Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Aquaculture.
- Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
- Orina PS., Ogello E., Kembenya E., Githukia C., Musa S., Ombwa V., Mwainge VM., AbwaoJ., Ondiba RN and Okechi JK (2018). STATE OF CAGE CULTURE IN LAKE VICTORIA, KENYA. Laxpress Services, Nairobi, Kenya. 62 p. ISBN: 978-9966-114-79-2.
- Proud, R., Mangeni-Sande, R., Kayanda, R.J., Cox, M.J., Nyamweya, C., Ongore, C., Natugonza, V., Everson, I., Elison, M., Hobbs, L., Kashindye, B.B., Mlaponi, E., Taabu-Munyaho, A., Mwainge, V.M, Pegado, P., Nduwayesu, E., Brierley, A.S. (2019). Automated classification of schools of the Silver Cyprinid Rastrineobola argentea in Lake Victoria acoustic survey data using Random Forests. ICES Journal of Marine Science
- Orina, P., Ogello, E., Kembenya, E., Muthoni, C., Musa, S., Ombwa, Mwainge, V., Abwao, J., Ondiba, R., Kengere, J., Karoza, S. (2021). The state of cage culture in Lake Victoria: A focus on sustainability, rural economic empowerment, and food security Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, 24(1): 56–63
- Mwainge, V., Ogwai,C., Aura, cm., Mutie, A., Ombwa, V.,Nyaboke, H., Oyier., K., Nyaundi, J. (2021). An overview of fish disease and parasite occurrence in the cage culture of Oreochromis niloticus: A case study in Lake Victoria, Kenya. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 24 43–55
- Mbugua, H., Muritu, R., Orina, P.,Mziri, VM., Ogari, Z.,Mugo, JB., Obwanga, B., Mwangata, R. and Were, E. (2021). AQUACULTURE HANDBOOK; A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO AQUACULTURE VALUE CHAIN IN KENYA
- Munguti J., Obiero, K., Musa S., Mwaluma J., Orina, P., Opiyo M., Kyule D., Mirera D., and Ochiewo J. (Eds) .(2020). State of Aquaculture Report 2020: Towards Nutrition Sensitive Fish Food Systems. Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, Mombasa, Kenya.
- Opiyo, M., Mziri, V., Musa, S., Kyule, D., Hinzano, S., Wainaina, M., Magondu, E., Werimo K & Ombwa, V. 2021. Fish disease management and biosecurity systems in Kenya. In: Munguti et al., eds State of Aquaculture in Kenya (2021). Towards nutrition sensitive fish food production systems. Chapter 7 pp. 113-126.
- Kyule-Muendo, D., Awuor J., Githukia, C., Kendi, J., Mziri, V., Obiero, K. and Orina, P. (2021). Post-harvest management, value addition and fish marketing. In Munguti et al., eds State of Aquaculture in Kenya 2021. Towards nutrition sensitive fish food production systems. Chapter 6 pp. 103-112.