Pascal Thoya

Research Networks : Research Gate
KMFRI Mombasa
Fisheries Research
Blue economy Geo-information, Spatial planning, Spatial ecology, Environmental impact, Fisheries,
Marine Spatial Planning, Blue eocnomy in the Indian Ocean, Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing, Fisheries spatial monitoring.
- Phd Student
- Msc,
- BSc
Pascal Thoya, Joseph Maina, Christian Möllmann, Kerstin S. Schiele (2021). AIS and VMS Ensemble Can Address Data Gaps on Fisheries for Marine Spatial Planning. Sustainability 13(7), 3769
Arthur Omondi Tuda and Pascal Thoya (2020). Marine & coastal areas under protection (Kenya). UNEP-Nairobi Convention, GEF and WIOMSA. 2020. Western Indian Ocean Marine Protected Areas Outlook: Towards achievement of the Global Biodiversity Framework Targets. UNEP and WIOMSA, Nairobi, Kenya, 276 pp.
Pascal Thoya, Sergi Pérez-Jorge , Gladys Okemwa , Hamadi Mwamlavya, Arthur Tuda, Nina Wambiji, Joseph M. Maina, (2020). Spatial patterns and environmental risks of ring nets along Kenyan coast.(African Journal of Marine Science)
Thoya, P., Kaunda-Arara, B., Omukoto, J., Munga, C., Kimani, E., & Tuda, A. O. (2019). Trawling effort distribution and influence of vessel monitoring system (VMS) in Malindi-Ungwana Bay: Implications for resource management and marine spatial planning in Kenya. Marine Policy, 109, 103677.
Thoya, P., & Daw, T. M. (2019). Effects of assets and weather on small-scale coastal fishers’ access to space, catches and profits. Fisheries research, 212, 146-153
Kimeli, A., Thoya, P., Ngisiang’e, N., Ong’anda, H. and Magori, C., 2018. Satellite-derived bathymetry: A case study of Mombasa Port Channel and its approaches, Kenya. Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science, 17(2), pp.93-102.
Arthur Omondi Tuda and Pascal Thoya,. " Cumulative impacts assessment to support ecosystem based marine spatial planning in Kenya.". Kitsiou D. and Karydis M. (Ed) Marine Spatial Planning: Methodologies, Environmental Issues and Current Trends. Nova publishers. (2017.)
Okemwa, G.M., Maina, G.W., Munga, C.N., Mueni, E., Barabara, M.S., Ndegwa, S., Thoya, P., Ntheketha, N., 2017. Managing coastal pelagic fisheries: A case study of the small-scale purse seine fishery in Kenya. Ocean Coast. Manag. 144, 31–39. doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2017.04.013
Boaz Kaunda-Arara, Cosmas Munga, Julius Manyala, Baraka Kuguru, Mathias Igulu, Muhaji Chande, Simon Kangwe, Stephen Mwakiti, Pascal Thoya, Emmanuel Mbaru, Renison Ruwa (2016) Spatial variation in benthopelagic fish assemblage structure along coastal East Africa from recent bottom trawl surveys. (Regional Studies in Marine Science)