Priscillah Boera

KMFRI Kisumu Centre
Freshwater Systems Research
Environmental biological Sciences and Aquaculture
Environmental biology and Climate Change Scenarios, Fisheries, Aquaculture, Socio-economics, Sustainability Sciences, Ecology, Data Analysis.
- Alice Mutie , Edna Waithaka, George N. Morara , Priscilla Boera , Job Mwamburi , James Last A. Keyombe , and Beatrice Obegi (2020).In PASJ 2020, Issue 1, Volume 1
- Boera, P.N., Obiero, K.O., Abwao, J., Githukia, C.M., Opiyo, M.A., Orina, P.S., and Munguti, J.M (2015). Adoption of Appropriate Seed and Feed Technologies for Enhanced Fish Production among Fish Farmers in Kenya. Paper presented at the KAPAP – CGS Collaborative Research Stakeholders Conference KALRO Headquarters, Nairobi 10TH-12th June 2015
- Boera P.N., Orina P., Obiero K., Munguti J. and Charo Karissa. (2015). The Status Of Fish Farming In Kisii County, Kenya, The Case Of Gucha, Kenyenya And Nyamarambe Sub Counties. A poster presented at the KAPAP – CGS Collaborative Research Stakeholders Conference KALRO Headquarters, Nairobi 10TH-12th June 2015
- Babu J.M, Getabu A.M, Nyaundi K Jembe D, Boera P, Sitoki L, Mwayuli G.A, Omondi R.O, Olilo C.O (2015). Phytoplankton distribution and abundance in small water bodies of the Lake Victoria Basin of Kenya. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies Vol 2(6): 166-169
- Jacob O. Abwao; Pricilla Boera; Musa Safina, Jonathan Mbonge Munguti and Erick Ochieng Ogello (2014). Effect of Different Artificial Diets on the Culture Potential of Labeo victorianus (Boulenger, 1909) Reared in Aquaria. In. International Journal of Advanced Research (2014), Volume 2, Issue 11, 246-252. ISSN 2320-540
- Jacob O. Abwao, Priscilla N. Boera, Jonathan M. Munguti, Paul S. Orina and Erick O. Ogello (2014). The potential of periphyton based aquaculture for nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) production. A review. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies 2014; 2(1): 147-152
- Kokwaro E, Boera P. and Kariuki F.(2013) Chemical analysis of fish and fisheries wastes for addition into aqua feeds. A paper presented at the African Women in Science and Engineering Conference-at the Kenya School of Monetary Studies from 20-22 November 2013.
- John Gichuki, Reuben Omondi, Priscillar Boera, Tom Okorut, Ally Said Matano, Tsuma Jembe, AyubOfulla. (2012). Water Hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms-Laubach Dynamics and Succession in the Nyanza Gulf of Lake Victoria (East Africa): Implications for Water Quality and Biodiversity Conservation. The Scientific World Journal. Vo. 10.1100/2012/106429.
- Ofulla A. V. O., D. Karamja, R. Omondi, T. Okurut, A. Matano, T. Jembe, R. Abila, Boera and J. Gichuki (2010). Relative abundance of mosquitoes and snails associated with water hyacinth and Hippo grass in the Nyanza Gulf of Lake Victoria. In. Lakes and Reservoirs. Research and Management Vol. 15: pp 255-271.
- Rutaisire, J., Okechi, J., Boera, P. and Ssekaayi, J. 2010. Epidemiological Factors Affecting Survival of African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) Larvae, Fry and Fingerlings in Hatcheries in Uganda.Pages 195-204. In Mdegela,R., Rutaisire, J., Obua, J. and Okoth, S (Eds). Fisheries & Aquaculture.Proceedings of the Cluster Workshop.Inter-University Council for East Africa. Lake Victoria Research Initiative. ISBN: 978-9970-452-01-9