Naftaly Mwirigi
Naftaly has a BSc in Food Science and Technology from the University of Nairobi, Kenya; a trained and certified QGIS professional from a collaborative training by UNESCO and the IHE Delft Institute of Water Education in the Netherlands, April 2021; a trained and certified CISCO Networking Associate from Kenyatta University’s CISCO Networking Academy, 2013. He has completed and been awarded a certificate on Marine Spatial Planning by the OIC-UNESCO, 2020. 
He is a member of the Food Science Platform of Kenya (FoSTEP-K), which is a member of the International Union of Food Scientists and Technologists (IUFoST); a member of the British Ecological Society (BES); a member of the International Association of Great Lakes Research (IAGLR); and a member of the African Center for Aquatic Research and Education (ACARE). 
He has published in the Journal of Lakes and Reservoirs and has pre-prints available in the Open Science Framework (OSF). He has participated and presented in the hybrid 3rd All Africa Postharvest Congress and Exhibition (AAPHCE) organized by the African Union, Addis Ababa, September 2021; and the 9th Great Lakes of the World Conference (GLOW-IX) organized by Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, Kisumu, 2019. 
He has participated in several local and regional scientific projects, among them; Small Fish for Food Security, a project in Kenya, Uganda and Ghana, funded jointly by the EU under LEAP-Agri and NRF-Kenya (2019-2022); and the Aquaculture Business Development Project to promote Fish for Health and Wealth, funded by the World Bank under FAO-IFAD (2020-date).
Fresh Water Systems Research
: Food Science and Human Nutrition; Food Safety and Quality; Food Loss and Waste
Food Safety and Quality Auditing, Remote Sensing and GIS, Modelling and Projections, Socio-economics and Sustainability, Data Analysis

BSc. Food Science and Technology from the University of Nairobi in September 2017