Nicholas Gichuru

KMFRI Kisumu Research Centre
Freshwater Systems Research
Fisheries biology and ecology
Fisheries ecology and ecosystem management, limnology, natural resources management, effects of global warming on tropical aquatic ecosystems and aquaponics and
- Nyaundi, J., Getabu, A., Mwamburi, J., Onchieku, J., Kinaro, Z., Ogendi, G., Babu, J., and Gichuru, N. (2020). Organochlorine contaminants in nile tilapia,oreochromis niloticus(Linnaeus 1758) in Densely Populated Areas of South-Western Kenya pp. 153-161 doi:10.17265/2162-5263/2020.04.004
- Aura, C. M., Nyamweya, C. S., Owili, M., Gichuru, N., Kundu, R., Njiru, J. M., and Micheni, J. N. (2020). Checking the pulse of the major commercial fisheries of lake Victoria Kenya, for sustainable management DOI: 10.1111/fme.12414
- Gichuru, N. N., Manyala, J. O., Raburu, P.O. (2019). Some aspects of
- reproduction and feeding habits of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in three dams in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. Lakes & Reserv. 2019;24:181–189. https ://doi. org/10.1111/lre.12271
- Gichuru, N., Nyamweya, C., Owili, O., David Mboya, D and Robert Wanyama, R. (2019). Poor management of Lake Victoria fisheries (Kenya); a threat to sustainable Fish supplies pp. 38-43. In FAO. 2019. Africa’s inland aquatic ecosystems: how they can increase food security and nutrition. Nature & Faune journal, Volume 32, Issue no.2. Accra. 108 pp. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
- Mwamburi, J, Yongo E., Aura, M. C., Babu M. J., Basweti, M. G., Gichuru, N.N., Guya, F., Nyaboke, H., Nyamweya, C., Nyaundi, K. J., Odoli, C. O., Ogwai, A. C., Okechi, J., Ombwa, V., Omwega, R., Ongore. C., Owili, M., Owiti, H. and Wawiye, P. (2018). Balancing Community needs and Resource Protection: The Case of Lake Kanyaboli, Kenya. Journal of Biodiversity & Endangered Species
Book chapters
- Gichuru, N.N., Nyamweya, C., Aura, C., and Ogari, Z. (2018). The Fisheries of Small Lakes, Rivers and Dams pp. 121-126. In Kimani EN, Aura MC, Okemwa GM (eds.) (2018) The Status of Kenya Fisheries: Towards the sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources for food security and economic development. Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI), Mombasa. 135pp.
- Gichuru, N. (2018) Freshwater fisheries - coastal lakes jipe and Kenyatta pp. 196-200 Chapter 2.16. In Kimani EN, Nina W, Aura CM, Okemwa G, Omukoto JO, Odote P, Nyamweya CS, Werimo K, Malala J, Ongore C , Owiti H (eds). State of the Kenya Fisheries Report 2016. Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, Mombasa, Kenya.
Technical papers
Gichuru, N., Ongore, C., Nyamweya, C., Mwamburi, J., Basweti, G., Babu, J., Nyaboke, H., Aura, C., Wakwabi, E., Njiru, J.M. (2018). Annual gillnet survey to establish gear selectivity and its’ effects on population structure for key species; Tilapia, Nile perch and Omena in Lake Victoria (Kenya). KMF/RS/2018/C 1.6 iv. 61pp.
Owili, M., Okeyo, R., Aura, C.M., Nyamweya, C., Owiti, H., Oketch, R., Nyaundi, J., Mwamburi, J., Ongore, C., Mwainge, V.M., Omwega, R., Wawiye, P., Babu, J., Okechi, J.M., Guya, F., Basweti, G., Ombwa, V., Nyaboke, H., Ogwai, C., Gichuru, N.. (2019). A technical report on revamping the use of Electronic Fish Market Information Systems (EFMIS) application for enhanced fisheries data collection and dissemination to inform blue economic growth. Technical report KMF/RS/2018/ B2. (iii). Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI). 53 pp.
Owiti, H., Ogwai, C., Okechi, J., Gichuru, N., Ombwa, V., Aura, C., Nyamweya, C., Nyaundi, J., Mwainge, V., Omwega, R., (2019). A technical report on the assessment of the value chain of tilapia fish as food to the local market to identify investment gaps in the Lake Victoria Basin, Kenya. Technical report KMF/RS/2018/ C1.7. (iii). Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI). 65 pp.
Aura, C., Mwamburi, J., Nywamweya, C., Owili, M., Wawiye, P., Ongore, C., Nyaundi, J., Miruka, J., Owiti H., Gichuru, N., Nyaboke, H., Ogwai, C., Guya, F., Basweti, G., Omwega, R.Okechi, J., Ombwa, V., Mziri, V., Njiru, J.M. (2018). A technical report on monitoring of pollution in 4 biodiversity hotspots in Lake Victoria (Kuja, Nzoia, Yala and Sondu - Miriu river mouths) and establishment of temporal trends from previous baseline studies for informed management decisions. Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI). Technical Report KMF/RS/2018/C2.8.(i). 123 pp.
Ongore, C., Ouko, J., Nyamweya, C., M. Aura, C., Owoko, W., Guya, F., Basweti, G., Wawiye, P., Mwamburi, J., Ogwai, C., Nyaboke, H., Gichuru, N., Mziri, V., Nyaundi, J., Babu, J., Ombwa, V., Okechi, J., Omwega, R., Owiti, H., Owili, M., Ogari, Z., (2019). A technical report on the development of remote sensing algorithms (data extraction routines) using free access satellite based water quality data (chlorophyll, secchi depth, turbidity and surface temperatures) on Lake Victoria for prediction of fisheries productivity. Techinical report: KMF/GoK/RS/2019/C2.8 ii. Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute. 41pp.
Mwamburi, J., Owili, M., Nywamweya, C., Wawiye, P., Nyaundi, J., Miruka, J., Owiti H., Gichuru, N., Nyaboke, H., Ogwai, C., Guya, F., BaswetI, G., Omwega, R. Aura, C., Wakwabi, E., Njiru, J.M. (2018). Monitoring of pollution in 4 biodiversity hotspots in Lake Victoria (Kuja, Nzoia, Yala and Sondu - Miriu river mouths) and establishment of temporal trends from previous baseline studies for informed management decisions. Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute. Technical Report KMF/RS/2018/C2.8 Biodiversity and Pollution Monitoring.