James Mugo
He has vast experience in the areas of fisheries resources management and environmental conservation in fresh water system. He has worked in Lakes Victoria, Naivasha and Baringo in various projects such as Kenya Belgium joint Project (KBJP), Lake Victoria Fisheries Research project (LVFRP) and Lake Naivasha Research Project (LNRP) among others. He has also held managerial responsibilities as a station coordinator, Naivasha.
Mugo has also worked with various stakeholders in implementation of increased fish productivity measures through delineation and demarcation of fish protected areas. He has mentored and supervised many students and published in peer reviewed journals.
M.Envt.Sc. Kenyatta University
Bsc. University of Nairobi
- Jacques Riziki Walumona, Cyprian Ogombe Odoli, Philip Raburu , Fabrice Muvundja Amisi, Mugo James Murakaru, Benjamin N. Kondowe, Boaz Kaunda-Arara. (2021) Spatio-temporal variation in selected water quality parameters and trophic status of Lake Baringo, Kenya.Lakes & https://doi.org/10.1111/lre.12367
- Odoli, C.O., Kobingi, N., Mugo, J., Nyamweya, C., Aura C.M. and Njiru J.M. (2021). Assess the effectiveness of installed Chorkor Oven (innovative technologies) in reducing fish post-harvest losses and enhancing income of processors at Kampi ya Samaki along Lake Baringo. TECHNICAL REPORT: KMF/RS/2021/C13.iii Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute 29pp.
- Nyakeya, K., Odoli, C., Mugo, J., Nyamweya, C., Aura, C., Njiru, J. (2021). Map and monitor major point sources of pollution and assess their effect on fish ecology in Lake Baringo at Molo and Perkerra river mouths. Technical Report: KMF/RS/2021/ C21.i Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute. 43pp
- Nyakeya, K., Odoli, C.O., Mugo, J., Nyamweya, C., Aura C.M. and Njiru J.M. (2021). Assessing the fluoride levels in Lake Baringo and her catchment, its ecological and human effects for informed decision. KMF/RS/2021/C21.ii Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute.
- Mugo, J., Odoli, C., Nyakeya, K., Riziki, W. J.,Nyamweya , C., Aura, C, M. (2021). Evaluation of the impacts of lake level changes on fisheries ecology and production in Lake Baringo and dissemination to stakeholders for fisheries management. Technical Report KMF/RS/2021/C7. iv Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute 38pp.
- Mugo, J., Odoli, C., and Nyakeya, K. (2020). Assessing the selectivityof gillnets on fish catches in Lake Baringo to inform FisheriesManagement Technical ReportKMF/RS/2020/C1.7.iv. Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute. 21pp
- Odoli C. O., Owiti H., Nyakeya K., Obiero M., Ogari Z., Mugo J., Nyamweya C., Aura C. M.(2019) Post- Harvest intervention in small-scale fisheries: a boon or bane to food and nutritional security in Kenya? Journal for food security 11:855-868
- Mugo J., Odoli , Nyakeya K., Ouko J. Aura M. C., Nyamweya C. (2019). Status of Aquatic Macrophytes in Lakes Kamnarok, Kichirtit (94) and Baringo.Technical report KMF/RS/2019/C1.7.Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute. 39pp
- Odoli, C. O., Kobingi, N., Mugo, J. Aura M. C., Nyamweya C. (2019) Monitor the effectiveness of interventions of Chorkor oven in reducing post-harvest losses in Lake Baringo. Technical Report KMF/RS/2019/C2.1(ii). Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute. 30 pp.
- Nyakeya, K., Miruka, J.B., Mugo, J., and Odoli, C. Aura M. C., Nyamweya C. (2019). Assess the fisheries status of the oxbow lake 92 (Kichirtit) within Lake Baringo Basin (LBB). Technical report KMF/RS/2019/ C1.7. iv. Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute. 34pp.
- Mugo, J., Odoli, C., Nyakeya, K. Aura M. C., Nyamweya C. (2018). Catch assessment survey (CAS) for lake Baringo and dissemination of the findings to the stakeholders. Technical report KMF/RS/2018/ C1.6. ii. Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute. 28pp
- Nyakeya, K., Odoli, C., Miruka, J. B. Mugo, J. Aura M. C., Nyamweya C. (2018).A report on assessment of primary productivity of lake Baringo for sharing the findings Technical report KMF/RS/2018/ C2.8. i. Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute. 37pp
- Odoli, C. O., Nyakeya, K., Mugo, J. Aura M. C., Nyamweya C. (2018) Monitoring the effectiveness of intervention of chorkor oven and solar polyethylene drier in reducing post harvest losses in lake Baringo and share the findings. Technical report KMF/RS/2018/ C2.1. ii. Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute. 25pp.
- Ogwai C., Odoli C., Nyakeya K., Mugo J., Babu J. Aura M. C., Nyamweya C. (2018) Assessment of the status of fish pathogens in lake baringo and disseminate the findings. Technical report KMF/RS/2018/ C2.9. iii. Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute. 28pp.
- Jembe T, Kobingi, N., Muli, J., Mugo J. Demarcation and Protection of Lokuratebem breeding site in liason with communities and monitoring the effect of protection on the fishery of Lake Baringo (2017). Technical Report KMF/GoK/ RS/17/8-i. Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute. 22pp
- Kobingi, N., Jembe T., Muli, J., Mugo J. Influence of hydrology and human settlement on the physico-chemical water quality parameters and trophic state of Lake Baringo, Kenya. (2017) Technical Report KMF/GoK/RS/17/.Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute. 20pp
- Jembe T, Kobingi, N., Muli, J., Mugo, J. (2017). Catch Assessment Survey for Lake Baringo. Technical Report KMF/GOK/RS/17 Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute. 28pp
- Omondi, W. Ojwang, C. Olilo, J. Mugo, S. Agembe and J.E. Ojuok (2016). Lakes Baringo and Naivasha : Endorheic Freshwater Lakes of the Rift Valley (Kenya).The wetland Book 10.1007/978-94-007-6173-5_133_1.
- James Njiru, George Morara, Edna Waithaka, James Mugo (2015). Fish Kills in lake Naivasha, Kenya: What was the probable cause? International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic studies 3 (1): 179 -184.
- Edna Waithaka, James Mugo, Beatrice Obegi and James Last (2015). Socio – economics of re-introduced Oreochromis niloticus in Lake Naivasha (Kenya). International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic studies 2 (3): 108 -113.