Monica Owili

KMFRI Kisumu
Freshwater System (Lake Victoria)
Artisanal Fisheries Catch Assessment Monitoring in Lake Victoria,
- BSC- Zoology and Botany (UON)
- Diploma in Aquatic Environmental monitoring and Assessment (UNU-FTP: MRI-Reykjavík, Iceland)
- Postgraduate training in Tropical Coastal Ecology Management and Conservation
- International Post-graduate Training programme in Limnology
- Strategic planning, Project Cycle Management, M & E, Kenya School of Government (KSG, Embu)
- Postgraduate certificate course in Fisheries data collection and Analysis (Wageningen, The Netherlands).
Aura CM, Nyamweya CS, Owili M, et al (2020). Checking the pulse of the major commercial fisheries of Lake Victoria Kenya, for sustainable management. Fish Manag. Ecol. 2020; 00:1–11. https ://
Aura, C, M. , Odoli, , Nyamweya C S., Njiru, J.M., Safina M., Miruka,B.J., Owili, M.A., Omondi, R., Raburu, P., Manyala, J., Mwamburi, J., Z. Ogari (2020). Application of phytoplankton community structure for ranking the major riverine catchments influencing the pollution status of a lake basin. Lakes & Reservoirs, Science, Policy and Management for Sustainable Use: Pages 3-17.Volume25, Issue1 :
Nunan, F., Cepic, D., Onyango, F., Salehe, M., Yongo, E., Mbilingi, B., Odongkara, K., Mlahagwa, E., & Owili, M. (2020) Big fish, small fries? The fluidity of power in patron-client relations of Lake Victoria fisheries. Journal of Rural Studies.
Mwamburi, J., Basweti, G., Owili, M., Wawiye, P. (2020). Spatio?temporal trends of nutrients and physico?chemical parameters on lake ecosystem and fisheries prior to onset of cage farming and re?opening of the Mbita passage in the Nyanza Gulf of Lake Victoria. Lakes & Reservoirs Research & Management.
Nicholas Gichuru, Chrisphine Nyamweya, Monica Owili,David Mboya and Robert Wanyama. (2019). Poor management of Lake Victoria fisheries (Kenya); a threat to sustainable fish supplies. NATURE & FAUNE Journal, Volume 32, Issue no.2
Kimani EN, Aura MC, Okemwa GM (eds.) 2018. The Status of Kenya Fisheries: Towards the sustainable use of renewable aquatic resources for economic development. Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI), Kenya. 179 pp. (Pages107-117 & 118-131)
BOUNTIES OF LAKE VICTORIA: Catch Assessment Surveys in Lake Victoria: KMFRI Newsletter 2018
Mwamburi J, Yongo E, Aura MC, Babu MJ, Basweti MG, Gichuru NN, Guya F, Nyaboke H, Nyamweya C, Nyaundi KJ, Odoli CO, Ogwai AC, Okechi J, Ombwa V, Omwega R, Ongore C, Owili M, Owiti H and Wawiye IP (2018). Balancing Community needs and Resource Protection: The Case of Lake Kanyaboli, Kenya. J Biodivers Endanger Species 6: 215. doi: 10.4172/2332-2543.1000215a
Nunan, F., Cepic, D., Yongo, E., Salehe, M., Mbilingi, B., Odongkara,K., Onyango, P., Mlahagwa,E., M., Owili(2018). Compliance, corruption and co-management: how corruption fuels illegalities and undermines the legitimacy of fisheries co-management. International Journal of the Commons, Vol. 12, no 2. 2018, pp. xx–xx. URL:
Odongkara K, E. Yongo, F. Mhagama, P. Onyango, S. Chimatiro, R. Tumwebaze, J. Akumu, B. Mbilingi, R. Okura, A. Nasuuna, H. Ochaya, Owili, Bwana and M. Onganda, 2018. Strategies to Improve Trade in Dagaa (Rastrineobola argentea) from Lake Victoria. African Journal of Tropical. Hydrobiology and Fisheries 16: 63-71.
Yongo, E, Agembe. S, Outa., Owili, 2018. Growth, mortality and recruitment of Nile perch (Lates niloticus) in Lake Victoria, Kenya. Lakes Reserv Res Manage. 2018;1–7.
Fiona N., Dražen Cepic., B. Mbilingi, K, Odongkara, E. Yongo, Owili, M. Salehe, E,Mlahagwa & P.Onyango (2017): Community Cohesion: Social and Economic Ties in the Personal Networks of Fisherfolk, Society & Natural Resources, DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2017.1383547
Yongo E., N.O. Outa2, K. Kito and Owili(2016). Growth and population parameters of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.) in the open waters of Lake Victoria, Kenya African Journal of Aquatic Science
Nunan, F., Cepi´c, D., Mbilingi, B., Mlahagwa, E., Odongkara, K., Onyango, P., Owii, M., Salehe, M. and Yongo, E. (2016) Strengthening fisheries co-management on Lake Victoria, Research Brief, Birmingham: International Development Department, University of Birmingham. Research Brief drawing on findings from the ‘Networking for fisheries co-management on Lake Victoria, East Africa’ project, funded by a Research Project Grant from the Leverhulme Trust.
Ojwang, W.O., Ojuok, J.E., Nyamweya, C., Agembe, C., Owili, M.,Yongo, E and Wakwabi, O. (2014). The intriguing dynamics of Rastrineobola argentea fishery in the Kenyan waters of Lake Victoria. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management. 17 (1): 80-89.
Njiru M., Ojuok. J, Getabu. A, Jembe., T, C.Ngugi Owili M.and M.Van Knaap (2008). Management of the Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus) (L.) fishery in the Kenyan portion of Lake Victoria, in light of the changes in its life history and ecology. Journal Compilation. Blackwell publishing Asia Pty Ltd
Njiru M., Ojuok. J, Getabu. A, Jembe., T, Owili M.and C.Ngugi (2008). Increasing dominance of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L) in Lake Victoria, Kenya: Consequences for the Nile perch Lates niloticus (L) fishery. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, 11(1): 42-49
Okechi J and Owili, M (2006). Overview of Fisheries and Aquaculture in Kenya. Poster presented at the Fisheries and Aquaculture in Southern Africa, Development and Management. Proceedings of the workshop in Windhoek, Namibia 21-24 August 2006 with support of ICEIDA and UNU-FTP.
Masai D. M., R. Omondi and Owili (2006). Systematics and distribution of zooplankton in Lake Victoria basin, Kenya pp 230- 235 in Proceedings of the 11th World Lakes Conf. 31st Oct 4th Nov 2005
Owili, M., R. Omondi and J Njuru (2006) Abundance and composition of zooplankton in Lake Victoria, Kenya pp 269-275 in Proceedings of the 11thWorld Lakes Conf. 31st Oct - 4th Nov 2005.
Masai, D. M, R. Omondi and Owili (2006) Systematics and distribution of zooplankton in Lake Victoria basin, Kenya pp 230- 235 in Proceedings of the 11thWorld Lakes Conf. 31st Oct - 4th Nov 2005.
Omondi, R, F. Guya, Owili, Sitoki, H. Ouma and J. Gichuki- Limnological status of small water bodies in Lake Victoria basin, Kenya. MS at the 2ndNational Scientific Conference, Lake Victoria Environmental Management Programme (LVEMP) 17th – 19th October 2005.
Owili A, M. Assesment of Impact of Sewage Effluents on Coastal Water quality in Hafnarfjordur, Iceland. Project report presented to the United Nations University –Fisheries Training Programme, Iceland (2004).
Owili, M. A.and R, Omondi 2003. Predator-prey relationship between zooplankton and Rastrineobola argentea and juvenile Lates niloticus in the lake-river interface habitats in the Nyanza Gulf of Lake Victoria. Aquatic Ecosystem health and Management (2003)
Owili, M. A.1999. Zooplankton-fish interaction in the littoral zone of Nyanza Gulf, Lake Victoria. LVFRP/Tech/99/07.
Owili, M. A.Zooplankton-fish interaction in the littoral zone of Nyanza Gulf, Lake Victoria. LVFRP/Tech/99/06.