Dr. Melckzedeck Osore

Ecological and taxonomic studies of zooplankton in Gazi Bay, Port of Mombasa, Tudor Creek, Mombasa Marine Park and Reserve, Mtwapa Creek, Mida Creek and Kilifi Creek. Collaborative research and development of projects and laboratory techniques in Belgium, Brazil, Ecuador, Germany, Netherlands, Taiwan and United Kingdom. Years of experience: 28 (1990 to present).
Participation in the Netherlands Indian Ocean Programme – Moonsoons and Coastal Ecosystems in Kenya (1992 – 1993). Responsible for studies on zooplankton . Monsoons and coastal ecosystems in Kenya / eds.: C.H.R. Heip, M.A. Hemminga & M.J.M. de Bie. - Leiden : National Museum of Natural History. - Ill., with ref. - (Cruise reports Netherlands Indian Ocean Programme, ISBN 90-73239-29-X ; VO~. 5) Publ. on behalf of the Netherlands Geosciences Foundation (GOA). - ISBN 90-73239-28- 1
Coordination of the international programme - Regional Cooperation on Scientific Information Exchange in the Western Indian Ocean (RECOSCIX-WIO). A programme of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of the United Nation Education Scientific and Cultural Organization (IOC-UNESCO). Years of experience: 3 (1999-2002)
Kenya National Coordinator for Marine Invasive Species (MIS) initiative and the Global Ballast Water Management (GLOBALAST) Programme for the Eastern Africa Coast. Founder team member of the Indian Ocean Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Programme under the auspices of Census of Marine Life (CoML). 2003-2004.
Regional Research Coordinator responsible for marine and coastal research at the Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA). Responsible for monitoring and evaluating projects on marine sciences and fisheries researches conducted in ten countries of the western Indian Ocean region: Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, South Africa, Madagascar, Comoros, Seychelles, Reunion, Mauritius and Somalia. Years of experience: 6 (from 2004 to 2010).
Chief Editor of KMFRI scientific journal – the Kenya Aquatica (from 2018 to date):
Building human capacities for enhancing livelihoods in the marine and coastal environment:
Development and implementation of capacity building strategy and coordinating improvement of capacity for 30 KCDP agency staff and 200 coastal community youths to obtain livelihood skills at the level of certificate, undergraduate and Masters degree. Linked with the three major coastal universities and ten others nationally and two training institutions. Including coordinating the development and implementation of the KCDP communication products https://www.facebook.com/KeyCDP/
Years of experience, implementation and application: 6 (from 2011 to 2017).
Development and delivery of communication strategies with outstanding products such as websites, news briefs, policy briefs, documentaries etc. Established collaboration with various coastal CBOs in Kenya and many national, regional and international NGOs. Providing editorial reviews for manuscripts and proposals for the National Geographic, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Sustainability (BESS) Secretariat under the auspices of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) of United Kingdom, New Scientist etc. 2010 to present.
Implementation and successful delivery of Community Driven Development (CDD) approach in a World Bank funded programme Hazina ya Maendeleo ya Pwani (HMP), enabling coastal communities to create, manage and deliver own livelihood and natural resource management projects through the engagement of 14 staff comprising 2 Managers and 12 liaison officers based in 6 Kenya coastal counties of Lamu, Kilifi, Tana River, Mombasa, Taita Taveta and Kwale. Years of experience: 4 (from 2013 to 2017)
Identification of community inspired solutions from the coastal and marine environment of Kenya and promoting them for learning and replication at the regional and global level through collaboration with the PANORAMA programme on Solutions for a healthy planet (2020 to present) https://panorama.solutions/en/user/melckzedeck-osore
Collaboration with Universities and other Research and academic Institutions
Kenya Wildlife Services (KWS)
Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis of the Lamu Land/ Seascape (2014). Kulima Integrated Development Solutions based on fieldwork conducted by WWF and Kenya Wildlife Services. 94pp
Pwani University (PU)
Supervision of Doctorate and Masters degree student at universities nationally, regionally and globally since 2004.
Latest supervision to completion: Dr. Farida Abdullahi Hassan (2021). Assessment of Community Participation in Development initiatives on access to Environmental Resources at the Coast of Kenya: A cawe Study of Hazina ya Maendeleo ya Pwani. PhD Thesis, pp. 141.
On-going supervision: Noah Ngisian’ge (PhD, Stockholm University), Robert Mokua (Msc, Pwani University), Josephat Mtwana (Msc, Uniuversity of Nairobi).
Adjunct lecturer at Pwani University since 2016 instructing courses on Environment and Agriculture (KAG G808); Introduction to Planning (MPM B102).
Translation service English/Kiwahili/French
Recent translations work completed:
KMFRI Service Delivery Charter in Kiswahili Hati ya Huduma
- https://www.kmfri.co.ke/images/pdf/KMFRI-service-charter-2020-2021.pdf
- https://www.kmfri.co.ke/images/pdf/service_charter_amended.pdf
- Kiswahili translation of the Project Grants Manual (PGM) of the Kenya Marine Fisheries and Socio-Economic Development (KEMFSED) Project: https://kemfsed.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/KEMFSED-PGM_Kiswahili_Sep-2020_FINAL.pdf
Research Network: Research Gate
KMFRI Mombasa Research Centre
Oceanography and Hydrography
Marine ecology and systematic, project management, networking and capacity building, strategy engagement with vulnerable and marginalized groups
Marine Biodiversity, Ecology and Systematic , Linking user Communities to Coastal and Marine Sciences; Communication Science and Networking
- PhD - Biodiversity and Productivity of the Kenya Coast
- Msc - Fundamentals and Applied Marine Ecology and Taxonomy
- Bsc - Zoology and Chemistry
- Diploma – Management of Small and Medium Enterprises
- Kadagi N. I., Wambiji N., Mann B., Parker D., Daly R., Thoya P., Rato D. A. M., Halafo J., Gaspare L., Sweke E. A., Ahmed S., Raseta S. B., Osore M., Maina J., Glaser S., Ahrens R. & Sumaila U. R. (2022). Status and challenges for sustainable billfish fisheries in the Western Indian Ocean. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11160-022-09725-8
- Osore, MK, Hassan, F. Morara G (2022) Perceived benefits and barriers to community participation in development projects – The case of Hazina ya Maendeleo ya Pwani on the Kenya coast. WIO Journal of Marine Science. 21 (35 - 49) DOI: 10.4314/wiojms.v21i1.3
- Ruwa, R., Uku, J., Osore, M., Mwangi, S. (2021) Reflections on Lessons Learned in Building A Legacy for Sustainable Coastal Development. (Eds). Ruwa, R.K., Uku, J.N., Osore, M.K., Mwangi, S.N. Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, Mombasa, Kenya. Pp 335-348.
Co-Investigator (2018 – 2021) – Larval Fish Production and Dispersal in Critical Habitats of Coastal East Africa.Marine Science for Management (MASMA) Programme Budget USD 330,000. collaborating institutions: KMFRI (Kenya), IMS (Tanzania), SU (Sweden) https://www.wiomsa.org/ongoing-project/ecological-food-security-in-the-western-indian-ocean-region-through-sustainable-fish-recruitment-2-2/
Collaborator (2019 – 2022) – Billfish interactions, Livelihoods and Linkages for Fisheries Sustainability in the Western Indian Ocean (BILLFISH-WIO). Marine Science for Management (MASMA): ABF, KMFRI, UDSM, C3, ORI, DSFA,Budget USD 524,940 https://billfishwio.com/project-team/
Osore, M.K. (2021). A Report of the Scoping Study on the Role of Civil Society Organizations and Local Communities in Promoting an All-Inclusive Sustainable Blue Economy in Coastal Kenya. Submitted to Tuna Fisheries alliance of Kenya (TUFaK). 54p.
Co-author, compiling and editing of Chapters on: Part 1 – Environmental Aspects for Consideration in the MSP Process and Part 2 – Capacity Assessment needs for MSP in Kenya. In: Uku, J.N., Allela, A., Osore, M.K. Wambiji, N. (2021). Publication Report on Deliberations of the two Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) Workshops organized by KMFRI and State Department of Fisheries and the Blue Economy and UNESCO-IOC in the Framework of the Joint roadmap for MSP process worldwide in the context of the UN decade of Ocean Science for Sustainability Development.
Collaborating Scientist in the Project SOLSTICE-WIO - Sustainable Oceans, Livelihoods and food Security Through Increased Capacity in Ecosystem research in the Western Indian Ocean (2017 – 2021). Researching on recent advances in marine technologies, local knowledge and research expertise to address challenges facing the Western Indian Ocean region in a cost-effective way via state-of-the-art technology transfer, collaborative environmental and socio-economic research and hands-on training. Linking researchers from United Kingdom (NOC, SAMS, PML ); South Africa (RU, UCT, SAEON, BCRE, SASMIA, DoAFF, DSI, ACEP); Tanzania (UDSM-IMS, EFE, WIOMSA, FAFIRI,WWF); Kenya (KMFRI, CORDIO, ) Madagasvcar (IHMS); Mozambique (IIP); Seychelles (UoS).
Collaborating Scientist on communication and development of documentary, flyers, brochures and policy briefs in the Project on Western Indian Ocean (WIO) Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs) Strategic Action Programme Policy Harmonization and Institutional Reforms – SAPPHIRE. The Project aims to achieve effective long-term ecosystem management in the LMEs of WIO in line with the strategic Action Programme as endorsed by the participating countries. SAPPHIRE is funded through GEFs International Water Focal area, whose mandate is to support transboundary cooperation in shared marine and freshwater ecosystems.GEF investment in International Waters has three key objectives: 1) Strengthen National Blue Opportunities, 2) Improve management in the Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction and 3) Enhance water security in freshwater systems. Research by KMFRI is conducted mainly in the North Kenya Bank (NKB).
Selected Publications
- Guyo, P. Osore, M., Morara, G., Hassan, F. (2021) Building the next Generation of Coastal Practitioners through Academic Training. (Eds). Ruwa, R.K., Uku, J.N., Osore, M.K., Mwangi, S.N. Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, Mombasa, Kenya. Pp 335-348.
- Osore, M.. Hassan, F. Morara, G. (2021). Building the Capacity of Communities through the Community Driven Development Approach. (Eds) Ruwa, R.K., Uku, J.N., Osore, M.K., Mwangi, S.N. Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, Mombasa, Kenya. Pp 283-303
- KMFRI (2021). From Ridge to Reef: A legacy for for Sustainable coastal development in Kenya. (Eds). Ruwa, R.K., Uku, J.N., Osore, M.K., Mwangi, S.N. Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, Mombasa, Kenya. xiv + 409p.
- Mwaluma J., Ngisiang'e, N., Osore M. K., Stuart C. P. (2021) Assemblage structure and distribution of fish larvae on the North Kenya Banks during the Southeast Monsoon season Ocean & Coastal Management 212(1):105800 DOI: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2021.105800
- Joseph Kamau, Noah Ngisiange, Oliver Ochola, James Kilonzi, Amon Kimeli, Shigalla B. Mahongo, Harrison Onganda, Charles Mitto, Boaz Ohowa, Charles Magori, Edward Kimani, Melckzedeck Osore (2020). Factors influencing spatial patterns in primary productivity in Kenyan territorial waters. WIO Journal of Marine Science Special Issue 1/2020. 9 - 18 DOI: 4314/wiojms.si2020.1.2
- Joseph Kamau, Oliver Ochola, Boaz Ohowa, Charles Mitto, Charles Magori, Chepkemboi Labatt, Melckzedeck Osore, Shigalla B. Mahongo, Margareth S. Kyewalyanga (2020) Employing multivariate analysis to determine the drivers of productivity on the North Kenya Bank and in Kenyan territorial waters. WIO Journal of Marine Science Special Issue. 1/2020. 33 - 41 DOI: 4314/wiojms.si2020.1.4
- Hassan, F. A., Osore, M. K. Ongayo, H. A. (2020). Determinants of sustainability for community based water projects: the case of Hazina ya Maendeleo ya Pwani in coastal Kenya. Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science 19(1):99-112 DOI: 10.4314/wiojms.v19i1.8
- Hassan, F. A., Ong'ayo, A. H. & Osore, M. K. (2019). Assessing the Influence of Demographic Factors on Community Participation in a Demand Driven Development Project: The Case of Hazina Ya Maendeleo Ya Pwani Approach in Coastal Kenya. Open Journal of Social Sciences 07(01):209-224. DOI: 10.4236/jss.2019.71018
- Mabwa, R. Osore, MK, Obura, D. and Gudka, M. (2019). Biological baseline survey of marine invasive species in the Lamu Archipelago - Kenya, Symposium.https://www.researchgate.net/publication/334372606_Biological_baseline_survey_of_marine_invasive_species_in_the_Lamu_Archipelago_-_Kenya
- Hassan, F. A., Ong’ayo, H. A., Osore, M.K, Morara, G. N., & M. Aura, C. (2018). Assessment of Beneficiary Satisfaction with Community Based Solid Waste Management Service. A case of Okoa Maisha Project in Mnarani Village, Kilifi County, Kenya. International Journal of Scientific Research and Management, 6(03), FE-2018. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.18535/ijsrm/v6i3.fe01
- Hassan, F.A., Ong’ayo, H.A. and Osore, M.K. (2018). Measuring the Level of Community Partic-ipation in a Demand Driven Development Project: Case of Hazina Ya Maendeleo Ya Pwani Approach in Coastal Kenya. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 6, 189-203. https://doi.org/10.4236/jss.2018.612017
- KMFRI (2018). The RV Mtafiti: Marine research towards food Security and Economic Development of Kenya (Eds) Njiru JM, Ruwa, RK, Kimani EN, Ong’anda HO, Okemwa GM and Osore, MK. Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, Mombasa, Kenya. 102pp http://www.kmfri.co.ke/images/pdf/RV-Mtafiti-Book-Final-updated-Artwork-24-01-2019.pdf
- Hassan, F. , Ong’ayo, H. , Osore, M., Morara, G. and Aura, C. (2017) Effect of Community Participation in Access to Social Services: A Case Study of Hazina Ya Maendeleo Ya PwaniApproach in Coastal Kenya. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 5, 160-180. doi: 4236/jss.2017.511012.
- Aura, C.M., Hassan, F., Osore, M.K., Musa, S., Morara, G., Uku, J. 2016. A comprehensive public-private partnership concept for resources sustainability from a mega-project management multi-level perspective. International Journal of Management and Sustainability 4(11), 218-236. doi: 10.18488/journal.11/2015.4.11/
- Aura, C.M., Musa, S., Osore, M. K. , Kimania, E. N., Mwakha V. A., Wambijia, N., Mainac, G. E., Charo-Karisa, H. 2016. Quantification of climate change implications for water-based management: A case study of oyster suitability sites occurrence model along the Kenya coast. Journal of Marine Systems. Vol. 165, p. 27-35. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2016.09.007.
- Morara, N.G., F. Hassan and K. Osore(2015) Sustaining Local Livelihoods through Coastal Fisheries in Kenya. In Latawiec, A. & Agol, D. (2015). Sustainability Indicators in Practice. Berlin: De Gruyter Open. Pp 99 – 125.
- Mwaguni S., D. Munga, Osore& J. Mwaluma (2013). Environmental implications of the proposed material handling and ship-loading facility for the export of titanium at the Port of Mombasa, Kenya. Journal of Environment and Earth Science. Vol 3. No. 4. ISSN 2224-3216 (paper) 2225-0948 (online) www.iiste.org
- Mwaluma, J.M. B. Kaunda-Arara, J. Rasowo, K. Osore& V. Oresland (2011). Seasonality in fish larvae assemlage structure within marine reef national parks in coastal Kenya. Environment Biology and Fisheries. DO.1007/s10641-010-9749-z
- Mwaluma, J.M. B. Kaunda-Arara, K. Osore& J. Rasowo (2010). A cost effective light trap for sampling tropical fish and crustacean larvae. WIOJMS 8(2): 231 – 237
- Fulanda, B., C. Munga, J. Ohtomi, K. W. Osore, R. Mugo & Md. Y. Hossain (2009).The structure and evolution of the coastal migrant fishery of Kenya. Ocean & Coast. Management. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2009.07.001
- Kaunda-Arara, B. J. M. Mwaluma, L. A. Gamoe, V. Øresland & K. W. Osore(2009) Temporal variability in fish larval supply to Malindi Marine Park, coastal Kenya. Aquatic Conserv: Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst. DOI: 10.1002/aqc.1038.
- Osore, M. K. W.et al. (2005) Distribution and Abundance of Candacia Dana, 1846 and Paracandacia Grice, 1963 (Copepoda, Calanoida, Candaciidae) off the Kenya Coast. WIO J. Mar. Sci. 3(1):189-198.
- Osore, M. K. W. et al. (2004) Zooplankton Composition and Abundance in Mida Creek, Kenya. Zoological Studies43 (2):415-424.
- Osore, M. K. W.et al. (2004). The Marine Species Database for Eastern Africa (MASDEA), in: Vanden Berghe, E. et al. (Ed.) (2004). Proceedings 'The Colour of Ocean Data': international symposium on oceanographic data and information management with special attention to biological data Brussels, Belgium, November 25-27, 2002. IOC Workshop Report, 188: pp. 65-70.
- Osore, M. K. W.et al. (2003) Copepod Composition, abundance and diversity in Makupa Creek, Mombasa, Kenya. WIO J. Mar. Sci. 2(1):65-73.
- Osore, M. K. W. et al. (2003) Composition, Abundance and Seasonality of Zooplankton in Mida Creek, Kenya. WIO J. Mar. Sci. 2(2)147-155.
- Osore, M. K. W. et al. (2002) Does the Wood-borer Sphaeromaterebrans (Crustaceana) Shape the Distribution of the Mangrove Rhizophora mucronata? Ambio 31(7-8): 574-579.
- Fani, R., Bazzigalupo M., Messana G., Mwaluma J., Osore M.K.and Vannini M. (1999). A first attempt to analyze parental relationships in populations of Sphaeroma terebans from Kenya through DNA technique. Bio.135: 321 - 333.
- Osore, M.K., Tackx M. and Daro M.H. (1997). Effect of rainfall & tidal rhythm on the community structure & abundance of the zooplankton of Gazi Bay, Kenya. Hydrobiologia 356: 117-126.
- Messana G., Bartolucci V., Mwaluma J. and Osore M.K.(1994). Preliminary observations on parental care in Sphaeroma cf. terebans Bate, 1866 (Isopoda, Sphaeromatidae) a Mangrove wood borer from Kenya. Ecol. Evol. (spec. Issue) 3:125-129.
- Osore, M.K.(1992). A note on seasonal distribution of zooplankton in a tropical mangrove creek system, Gazi, Kenya. Hydrobiologia. Kluwer Academic Publ., Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Pp.119 -120.
Selected Funded Research Projects
- Co-Investigator (2019 – 2021) – Larval Fish Production and Dispersal in Critical Habitats of Coastal East Africa.Marine Science for Management (MASMA) Programme Budget USD 330,000. collaborating institutions: KMFRI (Kenya), IMS (Tanzania), SU (Sweden)
- Mwaguni S., D. Munga, M. Osore & J. Mwaluma (2013). Environmental implications of the proposed material handling and ship-loading facility for the export of titanium at the Port of Mombasa, Kenya. Journal of Environment and Earth Science. Vol 3. No. 4. ISSN 2224-3216 (paper) 2225-0948 (online) www.iiste.org
- Mwaluma, J.M. B. Kaunda-Arara, J. Rasowo, M. K. Osore & V. Oresland (2011). Seasonality in fish larvae assemlage structure within marine reef national parks in coastal Kenya. Environment Biology and Fisheries. DO.1007/s10641-010-9749-z
- Mwaluma, J.M. B. Kaunda-Arara, M. K. Osore & J. Rasowo (2010). A cost effective light trap for sampling tropical fish and crustacean larvae. WIOJMS 8(2): 231 – 237
- Fulanda, B., C. Munga, J. Ohtomi, M. K. W. Osore, R. Mugo & Md. Y. Hossain (2009).The structure and evolution of the coastal migrant fishery of Kenya. Ocean & Coast. Management. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2009.07.001
- Kaunda-Arara, B. J. M. Mwaluma, L. A. Gamoe, V. Øresland & M. K. W. Osore (2009) Temporal variability in fish larval supply to Malindi Marine Park, coastal Kenya. Aquatic Conserv: Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst. DOI: 10.1002/aqc.1038.
- Osore, M. K. W. et al. (2005) Distribution and Abundance of Candacia Dana, 1846 and Paracandacia Grice, 1963 (Copepoda, Calanoida, Candaciidae) off the Kenya Coast. WIO J. Mar. Sci. 3(1):189-198.
- Osore, M. K. W. et al. (2004) Zooplankton Composition and Abundance in Mida Creek, Kenya. Zoological Studies 43 (2):415-424.
- Osore, M. K. W. et al. (2004). The Marine Species Database for Eastern Africa (MASDEA), in: Vanden Berghe, E. et al. (Ed.) (2004). Proceedings 'The Colour of Ocean Data': international symposium on oceanographic data and information management with special attention to biological data Brussels, Belgium, November 25-27, 2002. IOC Workshop Report, 188: pp. 65-70.
- Osore, M. K. W. et al. (2003) Copepod Composition, abundance and diversity in Makupa Creek, Mombasa, Kenya. WIO J. Mar. Sci. 2(1):65-73.
- Osore, M. K. W. et al. (2003) Composition, Abundance and Seasonality of Zooplankton in Mida Creek, Kenya. WIO J. Mar. Sci. 2(2)147-155.
- Osore, M. K. W. et al. (2002) Does the Wood-borer Sphaeroma terebrans (Crustaceana) Shape the Distribution of the Mangrove Rhizophora mucronata? Ambio 31(7-8): 574-579.
- Fani, R., Bazzigalupo M., Messana G., Mwaluma J., Osore M.K. and Vannini M. (1999). A first attempt to analyze parental relationships in populations of Sphaeroma terebans from Kenya through DNA technique. Mar. Bio.135: 321 - 333.
- Osore, M.K., Tackx M. and Daro M.H. (1997). Effect of rainfall & tidal rhythm on the community structure & abundance of the zooplankton of Gazi Bay, Kenya. Hydrobiologia 356: 117-126.
- Messana G., Bartolucci V., Mwaluma J. and Osore M.K. (1994). Preliminary observations on parental care in Sphaeroma cf. terebans Bate, 1866 (Isopoda, Sphaeromatidae) a Mangrove wood borer from Kenya. Ethol. Ecol. Evol. (spec. Issue) 3:125-129.
20. Osore, M.K. (1992). A note on seasonal distribution of zooplankton in a tropical mangrove creek system, Gazi, Kenya. Hydrobiologia. Kluwer Academic Publ., Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Pp.119 -120.