Lilian Daudi
Ms. Daudi is a marine ecologist with a master in marine ecological management.  She is a research scientist with more than twelve years research experience in seagrass ecology, structure and function, seagrass restoration, seagrass monitoring and seagrass ecosystem services. Her current research focus is on seagrass habitats and the impact of ecosystem disturbance on the ecological functioning at the lower trophic levels (microalgae and epiphytic meiofauna) as well as the higher trophic levels (macroinvertebrates and fish assemblages). Her research focuses at providing the ecological basis for decision support on the functioning of nearshore marine habitats.
She has special competences in biomarker techniques (stable isotope and fatty acid analyses) as well as microscopy (Light microscopy). Further, she has statistical analytical skills both in univariate and multivariate datasets. She also has extensive experience working with cross-functional scientific and research teams. She has also been involved in regional and international networks such as the Western Indian ocean Seagrass Network (WIOSN) and International Network Seagrass Experts (ISEN) within which she is participating as a reviewer in the development of the Global seagrass report. She has further played significant role in the development of the regional and national guidelines for seagrass ecosystem restoration.
Research Networks : Research Gate

KMFRI Mombasa Research Centre
Oceanography and Hydrography
Marine Biology and Ecology
Ecosystem ecology, Ecosystem structure and functioning, Ecosystem restoration and monitoring, Ecosystem services, Mapping ecosystems and their services.

Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, ongoing -Doctoral Programme Marine biology

Vrije Universiteit, Brussels, Belgium, MSc. (Ecological Marine Management)- 2009

Maseno University, BSc. (Environmental Studies)

  • Daudi L.N. (2009) Restoration of Kenyan seagrass beds: an experimental study of the associated meiofauna using artificial seagrass mimics. Thesis.
  • Daudi L.N., Lugomela C., Uku J.N., and De Troch M. (2012). Effect of nutrient enrichment on seagrass associated meiofauna in Tanzania. Marine Environment Research 82: 49-58. Peer reviewed
  • Daudi L.N., Uku J. N., De Troch M. (2013). Role of the source community for the recovery of seagrass associated meiofauna: a field colonization experiment with seagrass mimics in Diani Beach, Kenya. African Journal of Marine Science 35(1): 1-8. Peer reviewed
  • UNESCO-IOC, 2017. Stories of Africa’s Ocean and Coasts: Volume 2: Kenya’s Coastal and Resources and Environment, Mwanyuma H., Odido M., Lamin A.R., and Mackongo L-A. (Eds). IOC Information Document, 1319. Book chapter
  • Lillian Nduku Daudi, Jacqueline Uku, Marleen De Troch. Implications of meadow structural alteration on associated epiphytic fauna in Kenyan seagrass meadows 11th WIOMSA conference 1st-6th July 2019, Mauritius.
  • SEAGRASS REHABILITATION GUIDE FOR KENYA. A Guide for Community- based Seagrass Rehabilitation (2019). Daudi, L., Alati, V.M., Muthama C., Uku, J., Salyani, A. A publication of Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute
  • Daudi L.N., Uku J. N., De Troch M. (2020). Pigment and fatty acid profiling reveal differences in epiphytic microphytes among tropical Thalassodendron ciliatum Aquatic Botany 166:103253. Peer reviewed
  • Alati, V.M., Olunga, J., Olendo, M., Daudi, L.N., Osuka, K., Odoli, C., Tuda, P., Nordlund, L.M (2020). Mollusc shell fisheries in coastal Kenya: Local ecological knowledge reveals overfishing. Ocean and coastal management 195: 105285. Peer reviewed
  • UNEP-Nairobi Convention/WIOMSA (2020). Guidelines for Seagrass Ecosystem Restoration in the Western Indian Ocean Region. UNEP, Nairobi, 63 pp. (Community-based seagrass bed restoration trials at Diani and Wasini Island, Kenya- Case study 10).
  • Uku, J., Daudi L., Alati, V., Nzioka, A., Muthama, C. (2021). The status of seagrass beds in the coastal county of Lamu, Kenya. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 24(1):35-42. Peer reviewed