Julius Okondo

KMFRI Mombasa Research Centre
Oceanography and Hydrography
Benthic ecology
• Biodiversity assessment of macrobenthos in critical habitats (Mangrove, Seagrass, Coral and Esturine) • Assessment of benthic bait extraction, use in fishery and environmental effects • RV Mtafiti cruises benthic diversity assessment
julius_okondo@yahoo.co.uk or Julius.okondo@gmail.com
- BSc Bot/Zoo,
- MSc Marine ecology,
- Cert. EIA
- Cert MSP
Wafula M, Muthumbi AW, Wangondu V, Kihia CM, Okondo J (2020). Nematodes as bio-indicators of physical disturbance of marine sediments following polychaete bait harvesting. WIO Journal of Marine Science 19 (2): 117-130.
Penha-Lopes, G.; Okondo, J.P.; Macamo, C.C.F.; Paula, J.; Fondo, E.N.; Mwangi, S.N.; Ferreira, S.; Cannicci, S.; Xavier, S.; Macia, A. Effects of Urban Wastewater Loading on Macro- and Meio-infauna Assemblages in Subtropical and Equatorial East African Mangroves . Western Indian Ocean Journal Of Marine Science, Volume 9, Issue 2, Pages 195-212. 2010.
Kihia C. M., Hendrick Y., Muthumbi A. W., Okondo J. P., Nthiga A. Njuguna V. M. Morphometric and developmental characteristics of fish landed by artisanal bait fishers at the Mida Creek, Kenya. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture. Vol. 6(2), pp. 15-24, 2015
Kihia C. M., Hendrick Y., Muthumbi A. W., Okondo J. P., Nthiga A. Njuguna V. M. Diet and trophic status of fish landed by tropical artisal bait fishermen,Mida Creek, Kenya. International Journal of Marine Science. 5(42), pp. 1-9, 2015.
Kihia C. M., Muthumbi A. W., Okondo J. P., Nthiga A. & Njuguna V. M. Gastropods shell utilization among hermit crabs targeted by bait fishers along a tropical mangrove fringed creek, Mida, Kenya. Wetlands Ecology and Management. Vol. 23 (5), pp. 921-932, 2015
Kihia C. M., Muthumbi A. , Okondo J. P., Njuguna V., Nthiga A. & Mchiri J.M. Valuation of fishery among artisanal bait fishers that use non-commercialized intertidal bait at the Mida Creek, Kenya. International Journal of Marine Science. Vol. 6 (23), pp. 1-9, 2016.
Mohamed S. H., Muthumbi A., Githaiga J., & Okondo J. Sediment macro- and meiobenthic fauna distribution along the Kenyan continental shelf. Journal of Marine Science. 17 (2), pp 103-116, 2018.