James Last

James Last is an experienced Research Scientist at KMFRI with a demonstrated history of research work. He has been involved in fisheries related research in Lakes Naivasha, Turkana and Victoria, and their drainage basins. He has either led or been involved in a number of research and conservation projects including suitability of cage culture in Lake Turkana, fish stock assessment, post-harvest fish handling and processing, Lake Turkana trophic structure, demarcation of fish breeding areas among others.

Under the Aquaculture Business Development Programme (ABDP), he has assessed the capacity of public universities in Kenya to carry out aquaculture research and development activities, and documented climate smart aquaculture technologies, innovations and management practices in Kenya. He is also the lead consultant in the development of Turkana County Fisheries, Aquaculture and Blue Economy Policy.

Last holds an MSc in Limnology and a BSc in Applied Aquatic Science both from Egerton University, Kenya.

Short courses and trainings undertaken include

  • Coastal Ocean Environment (University of Ghana)
  • Fisheries Management and Conservation Approaches (ASDSP II)
  • Fish Resources Management, Food Safety, Quality and Marketing (WFP)
  • Entrepreneurial Skills Development (ASDSP II)
  • Marine Spatial Planning (IOC-UNESO)
  • Resilient Fisheries Governance (Wageningen University & Research)
  • Inland Water Monitoring and integrated ecosystem management in Africa (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
  • Fisheries and Aquaculture (UNESCO-IHE)
  • East African Wetlands for Water Quality (UNESCO-IHE)
  • Stream and River Ecology (UNESCO-IHE
  • Lake Ecology (UNESCO-IHE)
  • Water Allocation and Environmental Flows by (WWF)
  • Environmental Impact Assessment/Audit (Egerton/NEMA)

Membership in professional bodies

  • Too Big To Ignore (TBTI)
  • Lake Turkana Advisory Group (LTuAG)
  • African Centre for Aquatic Research and Education (ACARE)
  • International Association for Great Lakes Research (IAGLR)
  • Environmental Impact Assessment/Audit Associate Expert, National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA)
  • Gold Member, Duke of Edinburgh International Award
  • Life Member, Kenya Red Cross

 Research Networks: ResearchGate

KMFRI Kisumu
Fresh Water Systems
Water pollution; Aquatic ecology; Biodiversity monitoring and conservation
• Small scale fisheries; Fish bio-waste management; Climate change and Resilience; Fisheries governance; Remote Sensing and GIS; Post-harvest fish handling and processing
jkatalitsa@gmail.com, katalitsa@yahoo.com
  • MSc Limnology (Egerton University)
  • BSc Applied Aquatic Science (Egerton University)


  • Keyombe JL, Obiero K, Waithaka E , Outa N, Donde O, Kyule D (2020), Understanding selected growth aspects in Redbelly Tilapia, Coptodon zilli (Gervais) and Largemouth Bass, Micropterus salmoides (Lacepède) in Lake Naivasha, Kenya; Fisheries Management Perspective. Pan Africa Science Journal, 88 (111): 64 - 76
  • Mutie A, Waithaka E, Morara G, Boera P, Mwamburi J, Keyombe JLA, Obegi B (2020) Population characteristics of Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) in light of varying water quality conditions of adjoined Lakes Naivasha and Oloidien in Kenya. Pan-Africa Science Journal 1 (1): 1- 15
  • Outa NO, Yongo EO, Keyombe JLA, Ogello EO, Namwaya Wanjala D (2020) A review on the status of some major fish species in Lake Victoria and possible conservation strategies. Lakes & Reservoirs 00:1–7. DOI: /10.1111/lre.12299
  • Waithaka E., Boera P., Morara G., Nzioka A., Mutie A., Keyombe J.L.A. (2019) Trends in Fishing on Lake Naivasha and their Implications for Management. African Journal of Tropical Hydrobiology and Fisheries 17: 9-15
  • Keyombe J.L.A., Lewo R.M., Waithaka E., Mutie A., Boera P. (2018) Has the Latest Fish Introduction in Lake Naivasha Improved Income of Fishermen? The Economics of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in Lake Naivasha. Fisheries and Aquaculture Journal 9: 250. DOI: 4172/2150-3508.1000250
  • Keyombe J.L., Yasindi W.A. and Oyugi O.D. (2017) Comparative assessment of diet and condition factor of Cyprinus carpio and Oreochromis leucostictus in Lake Naivasha, Kenya. International Journal of Aquatic Biology. 5(3): 228-235
  • Waithaka E., Keyombe J.L., Boera P. (2017) Angling: An Emerging Fishery in Lake Naivasha? Journal of Biodiversity & Endangered Species 5: 183
  • Keyombe J.L. and Waithaka E. (2017). Analysis of some aspects of water quality of Lake Naivasha. International Journal of Chemical and Life Sciences. 6 (1): 2001-2005
  • Outa N. O., Yongo E. and Keyombe J. A. (2017), Ontogenic Changes in Prey Ingested by Nile perch (Lates niloticus) Caught in Nyanza Gulf of Lake Victoria, Kenya. Lakes & Reservoirs: Research & Management, 22: 43–47.
  • Keyombe J.L., Malala J.O., Waithaka E., Lewo R.M., Obwanga B.O. (2017). Seasonal changes in length-weight relationship and condition factor of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Cichlidae) in Lake Naivasha, Kenya. International Journal of Aquatic Biology 5(1): 7-11
  • Keyombe J.L, Waithaka E., Obegi B. (2015). Length–weight relationship and condition factor of Clarias gariepinus in Lake Naivasha, Kenya, International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 2(6): 382-385
  • Waithaka E., Mugo J., Obegi B., Keyombe J.L. (2015).  Socio-economics of the re-introduced Oreochromis niloticus in Lake Naivasha (Kenya), International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies 2015; 2(5): 142-146