Horace Owiti

KMFRI Kisumu
Socioeconomics Research
Economic valuations
Economic, Mathematical and Financial modelling; Economic and Social Impact Assessments; Market studies; IT applications in data collection systems; Satisfaction surveys; Valuation of ecosystem services; Community Development; Innovative analytical techniques.
- Doctoral Student, Human Dimensions of Natural Resources, Cornell University, USA;
- Academic Qualifications: Master in International and Development Economics;
- Bachelor of Science (Actuarial Science with IT)
- Owiti, H., Yongo, E., (2017). Chapter 11. Sound Management of Cage Culture for Business, Growth and Socio-economics Development. In: Aura, C., Odoli, C., Njiru, J., Eds., (2017). Best Management Strategies for Cage Culture Development in Kenya. Training Manual, MoALF, SDF, GoK 2017.
- Ochiewo J., Owiti, H., Munyi, F., (2016). Chapter 6. Kenyan Coastal Communities: History and Economic Activities. In: NEMA (2017). The Kenya State of Coast, 2016. Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, GoK.
- Owiti, H., Mariani, F., Weynants, S., (2016): Income Differentials by Marital Status: A Search for Marital Wage Premium in the Kenyan Labor Market. Under Review, Lambert Academic Publishing, UK.
Selected Peer Reviewed Publications
- Jacob Ochiewo Odhiambo, Joseph Wakibia, Maurice M. Sakwa, Fridah Munyi, Horace Owiti, Edward Waiyaki; The effects of situation analysis practices on implementation of poverty alleviation mariculture projects in the coast of Kenya. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management 2 January 2021; 24 (1): 90–96. doi: https://doi.org/10.14321/aehm.024.01.13
- Christopher Mulanda Aura, Chrisphine S. Nyamweya, James M. Njiru, Reuben Omondi, Julius Manyala, Safina Musa, Horace Owiti, Fredrick Guya, Collins Ongore, Zachary Ogari, Job Mwamburi; Using the Multi-metric Index of Biotic Integrity methodological approach to determine the major river catchment that most pollutes a lake. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management 2 January 2021; 24 (1): 12–20. doi: https://doi.org/10.14321/aehm.024.01.04
- Okronipa,H., Bageant, E. Mojica, L., Owiti, H., Otuo, P., Obuya, J., Olela, P., Ochieng, J., Aura C., Fiorella, K., 2021.Household Food Insecurity and Dietary Diversity Among Kenyan Households During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Current Developments in Nutrition, Vol 5(2), Pp 241. doi.org/10.1093/cdn/nzab029_042
- Onyango, H.O., Ochiewo, J.O. and Karani, N.J., 2021. Socio-economic prospects and problems in under-exploited offshore marine fisheries: The case of Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) in Kenya coastal fisheries. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 44, p.101706.
- Onyango, H.O., Ochiewo, J., Mulanda, C.A., Sunil, S.S., Kayanda, R., Otuo, P.W., Obuya, J.A. and Njru, J.M., 2021. The Lost Coin: Redefining the Economic and Financial Impact of Small-Scale Fisheries, the Case of Lake Victoria, Kenya. SSRN: 3800868. http://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3800868
- Kathryn J. Fiorella, Elizabeth R. Bageant, Lia Mojica, Julia A. Obuya, Jane Ochieng, Pamela Olela, Patrick Wanguche Otuo, Horace Owiti Onyango, Christopher Mulanda Aura, Harriet Okronipa (2021). Small-scale fishing households facing COVID-19: The case of Lake Victoria, Kenya. Fisheries Research 237 (2021) 105856. ISSN 0165-7836. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fishres.2020.105856.
- Aura CM, Nyamweya CS, Owiti H, Odoli C, Musa S, Njiru JM, Nyakeya K and Masese FO (2021). Citizen Science for Bio-indication: Development of a Community-Based Index of Ecosystem Integrity for Assessing the Status of Afrotropical Riverine Ecosystems. Front. Water 2:609215. doi:10.3389/frwa.2020.609215
- Karlijn L. van den Broek, Joseph Luomba , Horace O. Onyango, Moses Musobya, Sina A. Klein (2020). A framework for co?developing conservation research projects with stakeholders: A Lake Victoria case study. Lakes & Reserv. 2020;00:1–10.. DOI: 10.1111/lre.12342
- Mulanda Aura, C., Nyamweya, C. S., Odoli, C. O., Owiti, H., Njiru, J. M., Otuo, P. W., Waithaka, E., & Malala, J. (2020). Consequences of calamities and their management: the case of COVID-19 pandemic and flooding on inland capture fisheries in Kenya. Great Lakes Res., 46(6):1767-1775. DOI: 10.1016/j.jglr.2020.09.007
- Odoli, C., Owiti, H., Kobingi, N., Obiero, M., Ogari, Z., Mugo, J., Nyamweya, C., Aura, M.C. (2019). Post-harvest interventions in small-scale fisheries: A boon or a bane to food and nutritional security in Kenya? Journal of Food Security https://doi.org/10.1007/s12571-019-00950-x.
- Fonda, J., Obiero, K., Munguti, J., Ouko, J., Kyule, D., Opiyo, M., Odote, P., Yongo, E., Owiti, H. & Ochiewo, J. (2019). Market linkages and distribution channels of cultured, captured and imported fish in Kenya. Aquaculture studies, 19 (1) 06, 2019. ISSN: 2618-6381. DOI : 10.4194/2618-6381-v19_1_06;
- Omukoto, J., Owiti, H., Mwakha, V., Munga, C. & Wamukota, A. (2018). Participatory assessment of priority fishery profiles in an overfished urban inshore seascape in Kenya. WIO journal of Marine Science 17(2) 2018, 79-92. Can be accessed at https://www.ajol.info/ index.php/wiojms/article/view/176616;
- Mwamburi J., Yongo, E., Aura, M.C., Babu, M.J., Basweti, M.G., Gichuru, N.N., Guya, F., Nyaboke, H., Nyamweya, C., Nyakundi, K.J., Odoli, C.O., Ogwai, A.C., Okechi, J., Ombwa, V., Omwega, R., Ongore, C., Owiti, M., Owiti H. & Wawiye I.P. (2018). Balancing community needs and resource protection: The case of Lake Kanyaboli, Kenya. Biodiversity Endanger Species 2018, 6:2. DOI: 10. 4172/2332-2543.1000215;
- Waiyaki, E., Owiti, H., Muriuki, T., Angwenyi, R. (2012). An assessment of perceived socioeconomic impacts of climate change on the community of Faza Island, Lamu County, Kenya. OSSREA, Science Research Series, No. 35, 2012. Retrieved at: http//www.ossrea.net.
Technical Reports
- Owiti, H., Omwega, R., Yongo, E., Gichuru, N.N., Nyaundi, K.J, and Odoli, C. O., (2017). Assessment of the impacts of imported fish on the domestic market of fish and fish products to facilitate management decisions in regulating the fish markets. Technical Report: KMF/GoK/RS/06. Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute. 42pp.
- Odoli C., Yongo, E., Gichuru N., Mwamburi J. Aura, M.C., Babu, M.J., Basweti, M.G., Guya, F., Nyaboke, H., Nyamweya, C., Nyaundi, J. K, Ogwai, A.C., Okechi, J., Ombwa, V., Omwega, R., Owili, M., Owiti., H., Wawiye, I. P. (2017). Evaluating the effectiveness of fish post-harvest losses intervention on Lake Victoria and to guide in fish post-harvest management. Technical report KMF/GOK/RS/8. Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute. 34 pp.
- Owiti, H., Aura, M.C., Babu, M.J., Basweti, M.G., Gichuru, N.N., Guya, F., Mwamburi J., Nyaboke, H., Nyamweya, C., Nyaundi, K.J,., Odoli, C. O., Ogwai, A.C., Okechi, J., Ombwa, V., Omwega, R.,Ongore, C., Owili, M., Wawiye, I. P., Yongo, E., (2017). Causes and Current Status of Fish Post-harvest losses in Lake Victoria, Kenya. Technical Report KMF/GOK/RS/4. Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute. 41 pp.
- Owiti, H., Abunge, C., Karani, N., Magak, C., (2016). The Status of artificial FAD Fishery along the Kenyan Coast: A Socio-Economic Perspective. Technical report, SDF/Component 1/KCDP, 2016
- Owiti, H., Omunyang’oli, P., Awuor, M., Ochiewo, J., (2015). Socio-Economic Assessment of Artisanal Shrimp Fishery Of The Malindi Ungwana Bay. Technical Report KMF/Component 1/KCDP, 2015
- Owiti, H., Mariani, F., Weynants, S., (2014). Income Differentials by Marital Status: A Search for Marital Wage Premium in the Kenyan Labor Market. Master Thesis, University of Namur/Louvain, Belgium.
- Ochiewo, J., Owiti, H., Angwenyi, R. (2013). Environmental Impact Assessment for the Basket Trap Fishery at the South Coast, Kenya. Technical Report KMF/Component 2/KCDP, 2013
- Owiti, H., Ochiewo, J., Kimanga, F., Angwenyi, R., (2013). Assessment of Biodiversity, SocioEconomic Status and Conservation Options at The Kisite- Mpunguti Marine Park in South Coast, Kenya. Technical Report KMF/Component 2/KCDP, 2013.
- Owiti, H., Ochiewo, J., Muriuki, T., (2011). "Bursting Beach": An Assessment of the SocioEconomic issues for the Development of a management plan for the Jommo Kenyatta Public Beach. KMFRI/KWS, Techical Report Series, 2011.
Selected Scientific Conference presentations
- Owiti, H., Abunge, C., Karani, N. and Magak, C., (2016). The Status of artificial FAD Fishery along the Kenyan Coast: A Socio-Economic Perspective. Book of Abstracts, 1st International KCDP Conference 21st-23rd March 2016, Voi Wildlife Lodge, Kenya (Poster presentation).
- Owiti, H., Omunyang’oli, P., Awuor, M., Ochiewo, J., (2016). Socio-Economic Assessment of Artisanal Shrimp Fishery of the Malindi Ungwana Bay. VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Vives Brugge, Belgium. 12th Feb, 2016. Book of Abstracts: VLIZ Special Publication 75, May 2016 (Oral presentation).
- Owiti, H., Ochiewo, J., Kimanga, F. and Angwenyi, R. (2015). Assessment of Biodiversity, Socio-Economic Status and Conservation Options at the Kisite- Mpunguti Marine Park in South Coast, Kenya. Book of Abstracts: 9th WIOMSA Symposium, 26th-30th October 2015, Wild Coast, South Africa (Poster presentation).
- Owiti, H., (2012). Current Status of Operational Storm Surge and Wave Forecasting in Kenya. A presentation for the 8th JCOMM/TCP Workshop on Storm Surges and Wave Forecasting organized by the joint WMO-IOC Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology in Nairobi Kenya from 19-23 November 2012 (Oral presentation).
- Owiti, H., Ochiewo, J., Muriuki, T., (2010). "Bursting Beach": An Assessment of the SocioEconomic issues for the Development of a management plan for the Jommo Kenyatta Public Beach. The Second International Conference on Aquatic Resources of Kenya (ARK II), 16th – 19th November 2010, Naivasha, Kenya (Poster presentation).
Selected workshops/seminars/trainings attended
- QGIS Training (2017): Introduction to Open-Source GIS and Development of L. Victoria Spatial Data and Environmental Modelling of L. Victoria using open source QGIS. 20th-21st March 2017, National Science Fund (NSF), KMFRI, Kisumu.
- AERC’s Advanced Service Delivery Indicators Workshop (2016). Presentation of Concepts. 4th - 5th March 2016, Panafric Hotel, Nairobi.
- AERC’s Advanced Service Delivery Indicators Workshop (2015). Methodological Review. 3rd - 5th November 2015, Nairobi, Kenya.
- Integrity Assurance Training (2015): Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission of Kenya (EACC), 18th May – 22nd May 2015, Kenya School of Government (KSG), Mombasa.
- European Development Days (2013): Building a Consensus for a new development agenda, Brussels 26-27 November 2013.
- VLIZ Young Marine Scientist Day (2013): International Workshop for Marine Scientists. Bruges-Belgium, 15th February 2013.
- KMFRI-VLIZ MoU Workshop (2013): A workshop meant to harmonize the Research Collaboration between Belgium and Kenya, and the acquisition of a Modern Research vessel donated by the Kingdom of Belgium to the Kenya Marine &Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI): 18th -20th February 2013, Oostende, Belgium.
- The 8th JCOMM/TCP Workshop on Storm Surges and Wave Forecasting (2012): organized by the joint WMO-IOC Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology in Nairobi, Kenya. Kenya Meteorological Department (KMD), 19-23 November 2012.
- Earth-watch Institute Kenya Expedition (2010): Gazi Bay, Kenya. July 2010.
- Valuation of Mangrove Products in Kenya (2009): Training by KMFRI /Napier University at KMFRI Headquarters, Mombasa, 2009.
- Peer Education Training (2005): I Choose Life Kenya, Maseno University Chapter. Sept - Dec, 2005
Member: Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA), Africa Economic Research Consortium (AERC)
Alumni: Earth Watch International – After successful completion of a two-week expedition in 2010 at Gazi Bay, Kenya.