Main research areas

Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI) is a State Corporation established in 1979 by the Science and Technology Act, Cap 250 of the Laws of Kenya, which has since been repealed by the Science, Technology and Innovation Act No. 28 of 2013 which has recognized KMFRI as a national research institution under section 56, fourth schedule. KMFRI's mandate is to undertake research in "marine and freshwater fisheries, aquaculture, environmental and ecological studies, and marine research including chemical and physical oceanography", in order to provide scientific data and information for sustainable development of the Blue Economy
Fish stock assessment
stock assessment
Plastics pollution
Cage culture
Fisheries biology
Post harvest losses & value addition
value addition
Community involvement
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Kenya Aquatica Journal

Kenya Aquatica is the Scientific Journal of the Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI). The Aim of the Journal is to provide an avenue for KMFRI researchers and partners to disseminate knowledge generated from research conducted in the aquatic environment of Kenya and resources therein and adjacent to it. This is in line with KMFRI’s mandate to undertake research in marine and freshwater fisheries, aquaculture, environmental and ecological studies, and marine research including chemical and physical oceanograph.

Manuscripts may be submitted to the Chief Editor at